💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220813『天上的國度-The Kingdom of Heaven』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「願祢的國降臨;願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。」— [聖經·馬太福音 6章10節]

        宇宙萬物、天使靈體未造之先,那從亙古以來的永恆之靈與光,是天使與人類所擁有的,也是能與造物主溝通的媒介,因著罪的進入,使得這層溝通斷絕了。惟有藉著接受耶穌基督救贖之恩,恢復上帝與人之間和好的關係,才能再度有份於擁有那亙古以來的永恆之靈與光,也就是起初上帝擺在一個受造之物裡面的榮耀樣式。 何謂福音?福音就是耶穌道成了肉身,天國降臨在人間;在祂裡面毫無屬世的地位,也無天然人的力量;因為耶穌完全棄絕自己人子的權益,只單單讓聖靈運行在祂心裡面,這就是天國的好消息。總括來說,福音就是讓人心成為天國,藉著源源不絕的靈與光,得與上帝對話溝通。新約不也一再證明,惟有藉著重生得救,聖靈進入我們心裡,我們才得以活在上帝面前;這不是我們思想、意願,或行動所能達到的,這完完全全是聖靈自然結出的果子。 

        「願祢的國降臨;願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。」(馬太福音 六10) 天國不就是指從「受造物」看到「造物主」形像的彰顯嗎?祂的旨意被遵行,不是指聖靈成為我們心中引導我們思想言行的最高指揮者嗎?簡單而言,這段禱文提醒我們要時時刻刻與主的靈緊密連結,才能活出「在地若天」的美好生活。 



—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月13日]


『 The Kingdom of Heaven 』

Scripture: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” — [Matthew 6:10]

        “That one Light and Spirit, which was only one from all A eternity, before angels or any heavenly beings were created, must to all eternity be that one only Light and Spirit by which angels or men can ever have any union or communion with God. What, therefore, can have the least share of power towards man’s redemption, but the Light and Spirit of God making again a birth of themselves in Him, as they did in His first glorious creation.

        “Hence it is that the Gospel state is by our Lord affirmed to be a kingdom of heaven at hand, or come among men, because it has the nature of no worldly thing or creaturely power, receives nothing from man but man’s full denial of himself, has no existence, but in that working power of God that created and upholds heaven and earth, and is a kingdom of God become man, and a kingdom of men united to God through a continual, immediate Divine illumination. What Scripture of the New Testament can you read that does not prove this to be the Gospel state, a kingdom of God into which none can enter but by being born of the Spirit, none can continue to be alive in it but by being led by the Spirit, and which not a thought, or desire, or action, can be allowed to have any part in it but as it is a fruit of the Spirit?

        ” ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ What is God’s Kingdom in heaven but the manifestation of what God is and what He does in His heavenly creatures? How is His will done there, but because His Holy Spirit is the life, the power, and mover of all that live in it. We daily read this prayer, reminding us that nothing but a continual, essential, immediate, Divine illumination can do that which we pray may be done. For where can God’s Kingdom become, but where every other power but His is at an end, and driven out of it? How can His will only be done, but where the Spirit that wills in God, wills in the creature?

        “This is the truth of the Kingdom of God, come unto men, and this is the birthright privilege of all that are living members of it, to be delivered from their own natural spirit which they had from Adam, from the spirit and wisdom of this world, and through the whole course of thier lives only to say, and do, and be that which the Spirit of their Father worketh in them.”

How much has been written about what the Kingdom of heaven means, but here we have what it really is. As God rules in His Kingdom in heaven, so when the kingdom comes into our hearts He lives and rules there. The Kingdom of God consists of the men in whom God rules as He does in heaven.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 13 August 」

💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220812『 謙卑 Humility 』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「我心裡柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式;這樣,你們心裡就必得享安息。」— [聖經·馬太福音 11章29節]


        人類智力潛能因著墮落之故已退化很多,遠不如自然生理本能的正常健康,需要更多的節制自我、否定自我才行。為做到這地步,我們需要做到兩點,第一,我們的得救是包括從老我脫離出來。第二,萬事萬物當中,再沒有比在我們裡面彰顯耶穌的謙卑更重要的事;所以,對我們罪人而言,耶穌曾說:「這樣,你們無論什麼人,若不撇下一切所有的,就不能作我的門徒。」(路加福音 14:33)

        而這只是救恩基礎的開端,耶穌又繼續說道:「我心裡柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式;這樣,你們心裡就必得享安息。」(馬太福音 11:29) 那些肯背負十架者,這金句猶如一道真光,因為「老我」是墮落天性的元兇,老我捨棄是得救後應走的道路,耶穌就是「至極謙卑」的榜樣。 



—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月12日]

『 Humility 』

Scripture: “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” — [Matthew 11:29]

        After writing what we have given extracts from, Law goes on to prove how m the Church of Christ the gifts of human learning and wisdom speedily asserted themselves, instead of that entire dependence upon the Holy Spirit, of which Christ had spoken. And with that learning came, as a natural consequence, the exaltation of self, and the whole difference became the question between Pride, in the power of human learning and wisdom, and Humility, in the absolute dependence on the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

        “Man’s intellectual faculties are, by the Fall, in a much worse state than his natural animal appetites, and want a much greater self-denial. To realize this we only need to know two things: 1. That our salvation consists wholly in being saved from ourselves, or that which we are by nature; 2. That in the whole nature of things nothing could be this salvation or Saviour to us, but such a humility of God manifested in human nature as is beyound all expression. Hence, the first unalterable Term of this Saviour to fallen man is this, ‘Except a man deny himself, forsakes all that he has, yea, and his own life, he cannot be my disciple.’ And to show that this is but the beginning or ground of man’s salvation the Saviour adds: ‘Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart.’ What a light is here for those who can bear or love the light: Self is the whole evil of fallen nature; self-denial is our capacity of being saved, humility is our Saviour.”

        “All the vices of fallen angels and men have their birth and power in the Pride of self, or I may better say, in the atheism and idolatry of self, for Self is both Atheist and Idolater. It is Atheist because it has rejected God, it is an Idolater because it is its own idol. On the other hand, all the virtues of the heavenly life are the virtues of humility. Not a joy, or glory, or praise, in heaven, but is what it is through humility. It is humility alone that makes the unpassable gulf between heaven and hell. This is the most plain and capital truth of the Gospel, namely, that there never was, nor never will be, but one humility in the whole world, and that is, the one humility of Christ.”

In the life of faith, humility has a far deeper place than we think. It is not only one among other virtues, but is the first and chief need of the soul. It leads us to know our absolute and entire impotence as unable of ourselves to do any good. It leads us to look to the humility of our Lord Jesus, as being what He has prepared in His life for us, and will most surely work in us in response to our faith.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 12 August 」


「 福音-Gospel 」根據聖經真理,宣揚和教導耶穌基督的福音;採用不同網絡平台拓展神的國度,祈願萬民早日認識及接受神的慈愛和救恩,活出豐盛的人生…



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💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220811『在耶穌裏的生與死-Our Death and Life in CHRIST』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「然而,叫耶穌從死裡復活者的靈若住在你們心裡,那叫基督耶穌從死裡復活的,也必藉著住在你們心裡的聖靈,使你們必死的身體又活過來。」— [聖經·羅馬書 8章11節]





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月11日]

『 Our Death and Life in CHRIST 』

Scripture: “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” — [Romans 8:11]

“Why could not the Apostles, who had been eye-witnesses to the whole process of Christ, testify with their human apprehension the truth of such things, till they were baptized with fire and born again of the Spirit? It is because the truth of such things, or the mysteries of Christ’s process as know-able by man, are nothing else in themselves, but those very things which are done by this heavenly fire and Spirit of God in our souls. Therefore every man, however able in all kinds of human literature, must be an entire stranger to all the mysteries of Gospel redemption till they are verified, fulfilled and witnessed to by that which is found and enjoyed of the whole process of Christ in his soul. As the work of the Spirit consists in altering that which is the most radical in the soul, bringing forth a new spiritual death and a new spiritual life, it must be true, that no one can know or believe the mysteries of Christ’s redeeming power, but only and solely by an inward and experimental finding and feeling the operation of them, in that new death and new life, both of which must be effected in the soul of man, or Christ is not known as its salvation.

“Behmen prefixed as a motto to most of his epistles the words of Scripture: that our salvation is in the life of Jesus Christ in us. This truth of truths fully possessed and firmly adhered to, turns the whole faith of man to a Christ that can nowhere be a Saviour to him but as essentially born in the inmost spirit of his soul by the immediate inspiration and working power of the Holy Spirit within him. To such a man the words of Christ and His Apostles fall like a fire into him. And what is it they kindle there? A holy flame of love, to be always with, always attending to, that Christ and his Holy Spirit within Him, which alone can make him to be and do all that which the words of Christ and His Apostles have taught. For there is no possibility of being like-minded with Christ in anything that He taught, or having the truth of one Christian

virtuebut by the nature and Spirit of Christ essentially living in us.”

We need ever to remember that the great work of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Christ in us.. Not to the mind as a matter of knowledge, but in the heart and life, communicating to us the very death and life of our Lord. It is thus that Christ is formed in us, has His abode in us, and works in us and through us all that is well-pleasing to the Father. Take time to yield yourself to this blessed truth; in it lies the true secret of the Christian life.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 11 August 」

💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220810『與聖靈同行-The Ministration of the Spirit』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「鑒察人心的,曉得聖靈的意思,因為聖靈照著上帝的旨意替聖徒祈求。」— [聖經·羅馬書 8章27節]


耶穌教導祂的門徒說:「我去原是為你們預備地方去。」(約翰福音 14:2) 祂讓門徒明白他們目前的匱乏,並渴望將來更有福的景況;也就是耶穌不再用人類的語言教誨門徒,而是藉著聖靈恩膏,在他們心中做感化啟示的工作。

有兩項基本真理要在這兒闡釋說明: 第一,除非人心完全被聖靈掌管,直接持續地接受聖靈的膏抹帶領,享受屬上帝生命的喜樂,讓耶穌的名得榮耀,否則我們不能經歷到全備福音的真實內涵,達到上帝希望我們成為的樣式。



—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月10日]

『 The Ministration of the Spirit 』

Scripture: “And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” — [Romans 8:27]

“A natural life can subsist no longer than while it is immediately and continually under the working power of that root or source from which it sprang. Hence nothing but obedience to the Spirit, trusting to the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, praying with and for its continual inspiration, can possibly keep men from sin. The truth and perfection of the Gospel state could not show itself till it became solely a ministration of the Spirit, or a kingdom in which the Holy Spirit of God had the doing of all that was done in it.

“When Christ taught His disciples: ‘I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away,’ He taught them to believe what the want was of their present condition, and joyfully to expect the coming of a higher and more blessed state, which they could not have till His outward teaching in human language was changed into the inspiration and operation of His Spirit in their souls.

“Here two most fundamental truths are fully demonstrated. First, that the truth and perfection of the Gospel state could not take place till Christ was glorified, and His Kingdom among men made wholly and solely a continual, immediate ministration of the Spirit, which carried man into the real possession and enjoyment of a Divine life.

“Secondly, that as the Apostles could not, so no man, from their time to the end of the world, can have any true and real knowledge of the spiritual blessings of Christ’s redemption, or have a Divine capacity of fitness to preach, and bear witness of them to the world, but solely by that same Divine Spirit opening all the mysteries of a Redeeming Christ in their inward part, as it did in the Apostles and first ministers of the Gospel.”

Let us confess how much we have thought of the working of the Spirit as an occasional thing, for certain times or duties. Let us remember that it will be no easy thing for us to be delivered from this thought, and to yield ourselves wholly to the great truth that the immediate and continual inspiration of the Holy Spirit is what is absolutely needed, is promised by God, and made possible to us. Let us make this the one aim of our desire and prayer.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 10 August 」

💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220809『在亞當裡的聖靈-The Spirit of GOD in Adam』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「耶和華上帝用地上的塵土造人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了有靈的活人,名叫亞當。」— [聖經·創世記 2章7節]





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月9日]

『 The Spirit of GOD in Adam 』

Scripture: “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” — [Genesis 2:7]

        “Divine inspiration was essential to man’s first created state. The Spirit of the Triune God, breathed into him, was that alone which made him a holy creature in the image and likeness of God. Had he not been thus at the first, God in him, and he in God, a true offspring of the Holy Spirit, no dispensation of God to fallen man would have directed him to the Holy Spirit, or ever made mention of His inspiration in man.

        “Hence it plainly appears, that the Gospel state could not be God’s last dispensation, or the finishing of man’s redemption, unless its whole work was a work of the Spirit of God in man, so as to bring the thing itself, or the substance of all former types and shadows, into real enjoyment. Now the thing itself, and for the sake of which all God’s dispensations have been, is that first life of God, which was essentially born in the soul of the first man, Adam, and to which he died. This makes it plain that the work of this dispensation must be solely and immediately the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore immediate inspiration is as necessary to make fallen man alive again unto God, as it was to make man at first a living soul after the image of God.

        “And continual inspiration is as necessary as man’s continuance in his redeemed state. That alone which begins, or gives life, must of all necessity be the only continuance or preservation of life. No life can continue in the goodness of its first created or redeemed state, but by its continuing under the influence of and working with that powerful Root or Spirit which at first created or redeemed it. Because without Christ we can do nothing, therefore we ought to believe, expect, wait for, and depend upon His continual immediate operation in everything that we do, through His Spirit dwelling in us.”

Let us pause to consider how little this immediate continual inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the heart of God’s child is believed or accepted. And let us, from the very beginning of our readings, make this the one object of our desire and prayer – the full experience of what the Holy Spirit is meant to be to us.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 9 August 」

💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220808『連接上帝的聖靈-Continual Inspiration』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「這聖靈是我們得基業的憑據,直等到上帝之民被贖,使祂的榮耀得著稱讚。」— [聖經·以弗所書 1章14節]






—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月8日]

『 Continual Inspiration 』

Scripture: “Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.” —[Ephesians 1:14]

        “All true religion is, or brings forth, an essential union and communion of the spirit of the creature with the Spirit of the Creator; God in it, and it in God, one Life, one Light, one Love. Divine, immediate inspiration and Divine religion are inseparable in the nature of the thing.

        “All that the natural or uninspired man does or can do, has no more of the truth or power of Divine worship in it, than that which he does in the field or shop. Self love, self-esteem, self-seeking, and living wholly to self, are the whole of all that can be in the natural man. Nor can any creature be in a better or higher state than this, till something supernatural is found in it; and this supernatural something, called in Scripture THE WORD, or SPIRIT, or INSPIRATION OF GOD, is that alone from which man can have the first good thought about God, or the least power of having heavenly desires in his spirit.

        “No man can reach God with his love, or have union with Him by it, but he who is inspired with that one same Spirit of Love with which God Himself loved from all eternity. Infinite hosts of new – created heavenly beings can begin no new kind of love to God, nor have the least power of beginning to love Him at all, but so far as His own Holy Spirit of Love is brought to life in them.

        “This love can be the only love in creatures that can draw them to God; they have no power of cleaving to Him or adoring Him, but by partaking of that Eternal Spirit of Love. Therefore the continual inspiration or operation of the Holy Spirit, is the one only possible ground of our continually loving God.”

Let us meditate, and pray, until this blessed truth begins to get possession of our heart – the immediate, continual inspiration of God, as actually our only power of goodness, is our birthright, and must be our experience, if we are to live out God’s will. To an extent which we have very little realized, the Holy Spirit waits in very deed to fill our life all the day with the love of God.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 8 August 」