💜《神的心意 God’s Best Secrets》20221010『信心的靈 The Spirit of Faith』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「我們也信,所以也說話。」— [聖經·哥林多後書 4章13b節]







—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 10月10日]


『 The Spirit of Faith 』

Scripture: “Having the same spirit of faith, we also believe.” — [2 Corinthians 4:13b]

        Do you begin to realize why it is so important to commit to memory the text, Gal. v. 22 ? It will strengthen the desire in our hearts to have and to hold the fruits of the Spirit within us. Our expectation of the blessing God will give will be enlarged. Let us pause a while on the two last fruits of the Spirit-Faith and Temperance.

        When the disciples asked the Lord: “Why could we not cast out the evil spirit?” – His reply was: “This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Their faith was not powerful enough, and even if they had prayed, they had not the zeal and self-sacrifice needed for prevailing prayer. Here we see the union of faith and temperance.

        Faith is a fruit of the Spirit and leads the seeking soul to depend on God alone. Faith believes God’s Word, and clings to Him, and waits in perfect trust that His power will work within us all that He has promised. The whole life of the Christian each day is a faith life.

        Let us now think of Temperance. This refers in the first place to eating and drinking, and leads us to restraint, carefulness, and unselfishness in our conversation, our desires, in all our intercourse with one another. Our motto should be: “Forsaking all worldly desires, to live righteously and godly and temperately in all things.” Temperate in all our dealings with the world and its temptations. Righteous in the doing of God’s will. Devout in the close communion with God Himself.

        Faith and temperance are both fruits of the Spirit. When we ask the Spirit to teach us to pray, we open our hearts towards Him that He may grant us the fruits of the Spirit, faith and temperance, to influence our daily lives in our intercourse with God and man.

Learn this text by heart, and let the promptings of the Spirit in your heart each day lead you to the Father, that He may grant the fruits of the Spirit in your inner life, which will be seen in all your actions.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 10 October 」

💜《神的心意 God’s Best Secrets》20221009『聖靈引導 Led by the Spirit』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「因為凡被上帝的靈引導的,都是上帝的兒子。」— [聖經·羅馬書 8章14節]



「忍耐」:  在舊約摩西時代,由聖經得證,上帝以無比的忍耐寬容罪人,直到新約時代,就如彼得後書三章9節:「主所應許的尚未成就,有人以為祂是耽延,其實不是耽延,乃是寬容你們,不願有一人沈淪,乃願人人都悔改。」上帝慈悲為懷的心腸,寬容忍耐的本質,是我們務要培養的品格,好在我們傳福音的時候,能夠引人歸主。 

        「恩慈」: 這是詩篇何等棒的詞,上帝的慈愛恩典,是從亙古到永遠。「天離地何等的高,祂的慈愛向敬畏祂的人,也是何等的大。」(詩篇 一○三11) 上帝愛世上的罪人,祂要以祂的恩慈憐憫待我們,動工在我們心裡,使我們明白救恩。 


        「溫柔」: 詩篇十八篇35節:「祢的溫和使我為大。」但這樣的溫和,只有在耶穌的身上才看得到。耶穌說:「你們要學我的樣式,因我心裏柔和謙卑。」保羅也是以這樣的柔和謙卑待眾人,聖靈更是樂意幫助我們結出溫柔的果子。 


—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 10月9日]

『 Led by the Spirit 』

Scripture: “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” — [Romans 8:14]

        Let us now consider four other fruits of the Spirit: Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Meekness. These four words all denote attributes of the Godhead. They will reach maturity in us through much prayer for the working of the Holy Spirit. Think of what they mean.

        Long-suffering. — In the Old Testament, in the time of Moses, God’s long-suffering was praised. All Scripture bears witness to the wonderful patience with which God dealt with sinful man, until we come to the word in 2 Pet. iii. 9: “The Lord is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” This attribute of God, the Spirit will make a characteristic of our lives, so that we too may exercise a divine patience with all sin and wrong, so that souls may be saved.

        Gentleness. — What wonderful things we read in the Psalms about God’s goodness and gentleness, which are from everlasting to everlasting. “As the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy towards them that fear Him.” God works in our hearts this same goodness and mercy towards all the sin and wretchedness around us.

        Goodness. — “There is none good but God.” All goodness comes from Him, and He gives to His children according as each heart asks and desires. And this goodness is manifested in sympathy and love to all who are in need.

        Meekness. — We read in Ps. xviii. 35: “Thy gentleness hath made me great.” But it was chiefly in God’s Son that the divine meekness was shown. Jesus says: “Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart.” Paul entreats his readers “by the gentleness and meekness of Christ.” The Holy Spirit, too, the gentle Dove, longs to impart the ripe fruit of meekness to our hearts.

Is it not a wonderful thought that these four attributes of God, which are the characteristics of God’s work amongst sinners, may be brought to ripeness in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, so that we in all our ways and conversation may be like the Meek and Lowly One?

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 9 October 」

💜《神的心意 God’s Best Secrets》20221008『聖靈的果子 The Fruit of the Spirit』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「聖靈所結的果子,就是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔、節制。」— [聖經·加拉太書 5章22-23a節]





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 10月8日]

『 The Fruit of the Spirit 』

Scripture: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” — [Galatians 22:23]

        We have seen what the two first lessons are on prayer. We must pray the Father every morning to give us the Spirit anew, and then pray the Spirit to teach us and help us. Here is a third lesson-commit to memory the text at the head of this chapter.

        Christians often think that they have only to ask God to teach them to pray, and He will do it at once. This is not always the case. What the Spirit does is so to strengthen our spiritual lives that we are able to pray better. When we ask Him to teach us, it is important that we open our hearts to His gracious influence, so that our desires are stirred, and we first of all surrender ourselves to the working of the Spirit. This surrender consists in naming before Him the fruits of the Spirit, with the earnest prayer to be filled with these fruits. So that the benefit of learning the text by heart will be, that as we pray for the teaching of the Spirit, we may say: “Here is my heart, fill it with the fruits of the Spirit.”

        Think of the first three fruits, Love, Joy, Peace, the three chief characteristics of a strong faith life. Love to God and to Christ, to the brethren and to all men. Joy, the proof of the perfect fulfilment of every need, of courage and faith for all the work we have to do. Peace, the blessed state of undisturbed rest and security in which the peace of God that passes all understanding can keep our hearts and minds.

In the last discourse with His disciples, Christ used these three words, with the word “my” before them. “Abide in my love.” “That my joy might remain in you.” “My peace I give unto you.” Shall we not lay before the Spirit as the great desire of our hearts that He may make these fruits reach perfection within us? Then at last we shall be able to pray aright, and always ask more and more of our Heavenly Father.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 8 October 」

💜《神的心意 God’s Best Secrets》20221007『聖靈的賜予 The Dispensation of the Spirit』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「天父豈不更將聖靈給求祂的人麼?」— [聖經·路加福音 11章13b節]

        有一本關於禱告的小書,作者以他過來人的經驗,分享自己如何經歷更深禱告生活的祕訣,試圖將他的心得傳承給我們。當我們思想禱告這題目,不禁想到我們正活在聖靈澆灌的世代,他說:「我深深覺得我們處在聖靈作工的世代,凡我們所做的服事,若非出於聖靈的感動或催逼,就沒有什麼價值。」這也令我想起一處寶貴的經文:「你們雖然不好,尚且知道拿好東西給兒女。何況天父,豈不更將聖靈給求祂的人麼?」(路加福音 十一13)




—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 10月7日]


『 The Dispensation of the Spirit 』

Scripture: “How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?” — [Luke 11:13]

        The writer of a little book on Prayer tells us that he has learned through his own experience the secret of a better prayer life, and would gladly pass on that which has helped him. As he was meditating on prayer, the great thought came with power, that we are now living in the dispensation of the Spirit. He says: “I felt deeply that in this time of the working of the Holy Spirit, all we may do in God’s service is of little value unless it is inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit. This brought me to the well-known, precious, and inexhaustible text, ‘How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?'”

        I felt anew that the main thing for each of us is to receive, afresh from the Father, the Holy Spirit for our daily needs and daily life. Without this we cannot please God, nor can we be of any real help to our fellow-men. This brought the further thought that our prayers, if they are to raise our loves to fulfil God’s purpose, must have their origin in God Himself, the highest source of power. Water cannot rise higher than its source. And so it happens that if the Holy Spirit prays through us, as human channels or conduits, our prayers will rise again to God, who is their source, and the prayers will be answered by the Divine working in ourselves and in others. “I believe more and more,” says the writer, “that the Christian life of each one of us depends chiefly on the quality of our prayers and not on the quantity.”

        What material for thought is here, for deep meditation, for earnest prayer! When you pray today, ask the Heavenly Father to give you the Holy Spirit afresh for this day. He yearns to do it.

Father, grant me now the working of Thy Holy Spirit, that I may learn to pray.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 7 October 」

💜《神的心意 God’s Best Secrets》20221006『仁愛的信心 Faith Working Through LOVE』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「原來在基督耶穌裡,受割禮不受割禮全無功效,惟獨使人生發仁愛的信心,才有功效。」— [聖經·加拉太書 5章6節]





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 10月6日]

『 Faith Working Through LOVE 』

Scripture: “In Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith working through love.” — [Galatians 5:6]

        “Faith is the root: Love is the fruit. Faith becomes strong in the love of God and of Christ. Faith in God and love to the brethren must always go hand in hand. Faith in God’s wonderful love, shed abroad in our hearts, enables us to live always in love towards our fellow-men. This true faith gives us power for a life of fervent, all-embracing love.

        Yet how little the Church realize? of all this! How seldom does the preacher lay stress on a Christlike love to the brethren, as the fruit and joy of the life of faith!

        All of our life-in the home, between father and mother, parents and children, brothers and sisters, friends and servants-should be a life in the love of Christ. Do not say: “It is impossible.” All things are possible to God, who through His Holy Spirit will shed His love in our hearts to be lived out in our daily lives. Let our faith cling to God’s Word, and to the unseen and wonderful things He will do for us each day. Let these thoughts about love impel us to accept with new and greater faith the Love of God, and then dedicate our lives to letting it radiate from us to all men, yes, even to our enemies, and to the heathen at the uttermost parts of the earth.

O Christian, the whole of salvation lies in these two words-Faith and Love. Let our faith each day take deeper root in God’s eternal love. And then each day the fruit of the Spirit will be love in all our intercourse with those around us. May God imprint these words deeply in our hearts, and make them a joy and strength to us in Jesus Christ nothing avails, but “love working through faith,”

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 6 October 」

💜《神的心意 God’s Best Secrets》20221005『上帝的管家 Stewards of the Love of God』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「人應當以我們為基督的執事,為上帝奧祕事的管家。所求於管家的,是要他有忠心。」— [聖經·哥林多前書 4章1-2節]



喔!上帝的兒女們,追求更深一層地認識「上帝的僕人」意謂著什麼?上帝愛的管家又是指什麼意思?要常常為上帝的僕人切切禱告,讓他們隱藏在全能者的蔭下,就能更多知道上帝愛的奧祕,並盡忠於上帝的家。 而你,我所親愛的弟兄們,別忘了為你釘十字架的耶穌所交付你的事,要常常為你認識的牧師、弟兄姐妹們禱告;因為教會的興旺與否,與你忠心的代禱有密切的關係。保持與上帝美好的關係,你就會有一顆喜樂的心,擁有聖靈的大能,將上帝的愛傳送給有需要的人。

—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 10月5日]

『 Stewards of the Love of God 』

Scripture: “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” — [1 Corinthians 4:1-2]

        A Steward is the man to whom the king or master entrusts his treasures and goods, to apportion to those who have a right to them. God in heaven needs men on earth to make known the treasures of His love, and to give them to those who have need. The minister of the Gospel is a steward of the mystery of God, and above all of the deep mystery of His everlasting love, and all the blessings that flow from it.

        It is required in stewards that a man be found faithful; he must devote himself wholly to his life task. He must be faithful at his work, and always at his post in the palace or house where the treasures are stored up. So the minister of the Gospel must himself be faithful, living each day in the love and fellowship of God. He must be faithful not only to God, but to his fellow-men, caring for the needs of the souls entrusted to him, and ready to recommend God’s love, and to share it with others. This divine love is a mystery, and can only dwell in a heart set apart for God and satisfied with His love, which flows from Him as a stream of living water.

        O child of God, seek to have a deeper insight into what the office of a servant of God means, as a steward of the wonderful love of God to sinners. Pray much and often for your ministers that God may hide them in the secret of His tabernacle, so that they may be faithful stewards of the mystery of God, and chiefly of the mystery of Divine Love.

And you, my beloved brethren, to whom the love of God in heaven, and of Christ on the cross, is entrusted, remember that your congregation, your Church, and your people are dependent on your faithfulness in living a heavenly life in fellowship with God. Then you will be able with joy, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to pass on the love of God to souls that so greatly need it.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 5 October 」

💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220828『禱告的心 Prayer a State of the Heart』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「親愛的弟兄啊,你們卻要在至聖的真道上造就自己,在聖靈裡禱告。」— [聖經·猶大書 1章20節]





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月28日]


『 Prayer a State of the Heart 』

Scripture: “But you, my loved ones, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, and making prayers in the Holy Spirit,” — [Jude 1:20]

        “Our Saviour, though He had all wisdom, yet gives but a small number of moral teachings to mankind. It is because He knew that our whole malady lies in this, that the will of our mind, the lust of our life, is turned into this world; and that nothing can set us right but the turning the will of our mind, and the desire of our hearts to God and that heaven which we had lost. And hence it is that He calls us to nothing but a total denial of ourselves and the life of this world, and to a faith in Him as the worker of a new birth and a new life in us. He teaches us every reason for renouncing ourselves and loving the whole nature of our redemption as the greatest joy and desire of our heart.

        “We see thus that our will and our heart is all; that nothing either finds or loses God; and that all our religion is only the religion of the heart. We see with open eyes that as a spirit of longing after the life of this world made Adam and us to be the poor pilgrims on earth that we are, so the Spirit of prayer, or the longing desire of the heart after Christ and God and heaven, breaks all our bonds asunder and raises us out of the miseries of time into the riches of eternity. Thus seeing and knowing our first and our present state, everything calls us to prayer; and the desire of our heart becomes the spirit of prayer. When the spirit of prayer is born in us, then prayer is no longer considered as only the business of this or that hour, but is the continual breathing of the heart after God. The spirit of prayer, — a state of the heart becomes the governing principle of the soul’s life.

        “An honest man may prove his honesty by acts. At other times there is no special call to show his honesty. But it is all the same the inward living principle of his heart. Just so the Spirit of prayer may possess the heart without interruption, and yet at other times may have its hours of prayer. But its own life and spirit is vastly superior to, independent of, and stays for no particular hours or forms of work.

It would be worth while making a study of the place that, according to Law, the word “continual” ought to have in our life. First there is the continual streaming forth of the infinite love of God toward, men. Then the continual unalterable dependence upon God every hour of our life. Then the continual receiving of goodness and happiness from God alone. Then comes the continual mortification of our evil nature; then again the continual and immediate inspiration of the Holy Spirit maintaining the life of Christ in us. Then the continual breathing of the heart after God in prayer. And then the continual loving of Him with our whole heart.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 28 August 」