💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220531『為聖靈充滿禱告-Prayer for All The Fulness of The Spirit』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「萬軍之耶和華說:你們要將當納的十分之一,全然送入倉庫,使我家有糧,以此試試我,是否為你們敞開天上的窗戶,傾福與你們,甚至無處可容。」—「聖經·瑪拉基書 3章10節」

這是舊約的最後一個應許,顯示上帝的恩典是何等豐厚。五旬節聖靈的降臨僅只是祝福的開端,上帝願意把更多更大的恩典賞賜給我們,只要我們大大地張口,要張口求,上帝等著要把最好的給我們,因為「你們中間作父親的,誰有兒子求餅,反給他石頭呢?求魚,反拿蛇當魚給他呢?」(路加福音 11章11節)。上帝要我們被聖靈充滿,讓我們渴望這樣的事,也向上帝求這樣的大事。




—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 5月31日]

『Prayer for All The Fulness of The Spirit』

Scripture: “Bring ye all the tithes unto mine House, and prove me now therewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” — [Malachi 3:10]

This last promise in the Old Testament tells us how abundant the blessing is to be. Pentecost was only the beginning of what God was willing to do. The promise of the Father, as Christ gave it, still waits for its perfect fulfilment. Let us try and realize what the liberty is that we have to ask, and expect great things.

Just as the great command to go and preach the Gospel was not only meant for the disciples but for us too, so the very last command, “Tarry till ye be endued with power from on high,” “Wait for the promise of the Father,” “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit,” is also for us, and is the ground for the confident assurance that our prayer with one accord will be heard.

Take time to think of what a cry of need there is throughout the whole Church, and throughout all our mission fields. Let us realize that the only remedy to be found for inefficiency or impotence, to enable us to gain the victory over the powers of this world or of darkness, is in the manifested presence of our Lord in the midst of His hosts and in the power of His Spirit. Let us take time to think of the state of all the Churches throughout Christendom until we are brought deeper than ever to the conviction that nothing will avail except the supernatural, Almighty intervention of our Lord Himself, to rouse His hosts for the great battle against evil. Can anyone conceive or suggest any other matter for prayer that can at all compete with this: for the power of God on the ministers of the Gospel, and on all His people, to endue them with power from on High to make the Gospel in very deed the power of God unto salvation?

As we connect the prayer for the whole Church on earth with the prayer for the whole power of God in heaven, we shall feel that the greatest truths of the heavenly world and the Kingdom of God have possession of us, and that we are in very deed asking what God is longing to give, as soon as He finds hearts utterly yielded to Himself in faith and obedience.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 31 May 」

『 神的音樂院 』

經文:「除了從地上買來的那十四萬四千人以外,沒有人能學這歌。」— [聖經·啟示錄 14章3節]






不要輕看這神的音樂院,許多人雖然羨慕,可是還不能被選呢!-馬得勝(George Matheson)

(Mrs. Charies E. Cowman)

💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220530『聖徒的禱告-Prayer by All Saints』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「你們以祈禱幫助我們,好叫許多人為我們謝恩。」—「聖經·哥林多後書 1章11a節」

「那一等傳基督,是出於結黨,並不誠實,意思要加增我捆鎖的苦楚,這有何妨……因為我知道這事藉著你們的祈禱和耶穌基督之靈的幫助,終必叫我得救。」—「聖經·腓立比書 1章17-19節錄」





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 5月30日]


『 Prayer by All Saints 』

Scripture: “We trust in God that Pie will yet deliver us; you also helping together by prayer for us.” — [2 Corinthians 1:11a]

“Some preach Christ of contention, supposing to add affliction to my bonds. For I know that this shall turn to my salvation, through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus.” — [Philippians 1:17-19]

This subject calls us once again to think of all saints throughout the world, but leads us to view them from a different standpoint. If we are to ask God to increase the number and the power of those who do pray, we shall be led to form some impression of what the hope is that our circle of intercessors may gradually increase in number and power.

Our first thoughts will naturally turn to the multitude of the saints who think and know very little about the duty or the blessedness of pleading for the body of Christ, or for all the work which has to be done to perfect its members. We shall then have to remember how many there are for whom we may praise God that they do intercede for the power of His Spirit, but their thoughts are chiefly limited to spheres of work that they are acquainted with, or directly interested in.

That will leave us with what is, comparatively speaking, a very limited number of those who will be ready to take part in the prayer which ought to be sent up by the whole Church, for the unity of the Body and the power of the Spirit. And even then the number may be but small who really feel themselves drawn and urged to take part in this daily prayer for the outpouring of the Spirit on all God’s people. And yet many may be feeling that the proposal meets a long-felt need, and that it is an unspeakable privilege, whether with few or many, to make Christ’s last prayer, “that they may be one,” the daily supplication of our faith and love. It may be that in time believers will band together in small circles, or throughout wider districts, in helping to rouse those around them to take part in the great work that the prayer for all saints may become one by all saints.

This message is sent out as a wireless to all that desire to be in touch with it, and to seek to prove their consecration to their Lord in the unceasing daily supplication for the Power of His love and Spirit to be revealed to all His people.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 30 May 」

💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220529『為眾聖徒禱告-Prayer for All Saints』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「寫信給歌羅西的聖徒,在基督裡有忠心的弟兄。……我們感謝上帝我們主耶穌基督的父,常常為你們禱告;因聽見你們在基督耶穌裡的信心,並向眾聖徒的愛心。」— [聖經·歌羅西書 1章2-4節錄]

「你們要恆切禱告,在此儆醒感恩。也要為我們禱告,求上帝給我們開傳道的門,能以講基督的奧祕。」— [聖經·歌羅西書 4章2-3節錄]




—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 5月29日]

『 Prayer for All Saints 』

Scripture: “To the Saints and faithful brethren in Christ, which are at Colosse. We give thanks to God, praying always for you, since we heard of the love which ye have to all the saints.” — [Colossians 1:2-4]

“Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving, withal praying also for us.” — [Colossians 4:2-3]

Prayer for all saints: let this be our first thought. It will need time, and thought, and love, to realize what is included in that simple expression. Think of your own neighborhood and the saints you know; think of your whole country, and praise God for all who are His saints; think of all Christian nations of the world, and the saints to be found in each of these; think of all the heathen nations and the saints of God to be found among them in ever-increasing numbers.

Think of all the different circumstances and conditions in which these are to be found, and all the very varying needs which call for God’s grace and help. Think of many, oh, so many, who are God’s saints, and yet through ignorance or sloth, through worldly-mindedness or an evil heart of unbelief, are walking in the dark, and bringing no honour to God. Think of so many who are in earnest, and yet conscious of a life of failure, with little or no power to please God or to bless man. And then think again of those who are to be found everywhere, in solitary places or in companies, whose one aim is to serve the Lord who bought them, and to be the light of those around them. Think of them especially as joining, often unconscious of their relation to the whole body of Christ, in pleading for the great promise of the Holy Spirit and the love and oneness of heart which He alone can give.

This is not the work of one day or one night. It needs a heart which will set itself from time to time to do serious thinking in regard to the state and the need of that body of Christ to which we belong. But when once we begin, we shall find what abundant reason there is for our persevering and yielding to God’s Spirit, that He may fit us for the great and blessed work of day by day praying the twofold prayer, for the love of God and Christ to fill the hearts of His people, and for the power of the Holy Spirit to come down and accomplish God’s work in this sinful world.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 29 May 」

『祂滿足我們的心-He Satisfies Our Soul』

經文: 「拿過來給我。」— [聖經·馬太福音 14章18節]


把這些器皿拿過來給神,用信心和禱告帶到祂面前來。安靜罷!停止你自己的活動,除非祂有所吩咐。不要作祂所沒有吩咐你作的事情。給祂一個機會去作罷;這樣,使你害怕的患難、試煉、危險、缺乏,都要變作神彰顯祂恩典和榮耀的機會了。— 宣信(A. B. Simpson)

『我的神必照祂榮耀的豐富,在基督耶穌裡,使你們一切所需用的都充足。』— [聖經·腓立比書 4章19節]

何等的來源 -『 神 』何等的資本 -『祂榮耀的豐富』何等的導管 -『基督耶穌』何等的供給 -『一切所需用的』這是你無上的權利-把你一切所需用的去換祂榮耀的豐富!祂無盡的寶庫,已因祂不竭之愛,為你開著了;用無偽的、簡單的信心去支取你的需用罷!祂決不會怕你支取過多的,因為祂的寶庫從無缺貨之虞。— 馬金都(C. H. M.)

『神既不愛惜自己的兒子為我們眾人捨了,豈不也把萬物和祂一同白白的賜給我們麼?』— [聖經·羅馬書 8章32節]


[圖片版權屬「香港神的教會The Church of God in HK」所有,在此僅供分享福音用途。]

『 He Satisfies Our Soul 』

Scripture: “Bring them hither to me.” — [Matthew 14:18]

Are you encompassed with needs at this very moment, and almost overwhelmed with difficulties, trials, and emergencies? These are all divinely provided vessels for the Holy Spirit to fill, and if you but rightly understood their meaning, they would become opportunities for receiving new blessings and deliverances which you can get in no other way.

Bring these vessels to God. Hold them steadily before Him in faith and prayer. Keep still, and stop your own restless working until He begins to work. Do nothing that He does not Himself command you to do. Give Him a chance to work, and He will surely do so; and the very trials that threatened to overcome you with discouragement and disaster, will become God’s opportunity for the revelation of His grace and glory in your life, as you have never known Him before. “Bring them (all needs) to me.” — A. B. Simpson

“My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19)

What a source-“God” What a supply-“His riches in glory” What a channel-“Christ Jesus” It is your sweet privilege to place all your need over against His riches, and lose sight of the former in the presence of the latter. His exhaustless treasury is thrown open to you, in all the love of His heart; go and draw upon it, in the artless simplicity of faith, and you will never have occasion to look to a creature-stream, or lean on a creature-prop. — C. H. M.

“How can He but, in giving Him, lavish on us all things.” — [Romans 8:32]

—《Streams in the Desert》
「 27 May 」

『 智慧無用時-At Wit’s End 』

經文: 「他們的智慧無法可施,於是他們在苦難中哀求耶和華,祂從他們的禍患中領出他們來。」— [聖經·詩篇 107篇27-28節]


信徒們哪,你在患難中也許很久了。為甚麼你甘願白白受苦呢?上帝在等待拯救你,只要你肯放棄自己的智慧,依靠祂的大能。─ 選

你不要失望;也許最後一把鑰匙,才是替你開門的。─ 司單雪佛(Stansifer)



『 At Wit’s End 』

Scripture: “At their wit’s end, they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out.” — [Psalms 107:27-28]

Are you standing at “Wit’s End Corner,”
Christian, with troubled brow?
Are you thinking of what is before you,
And all you are bearing now?
Does all the world seem against you,
And you in the battle alone?
Remember-at “Wit’s End Corner”
Is just where God’s power is shown.

Are you standing at “Wit’s End Corner,”
Blinded with wearying pain,
Feeling you cannot endure it,
You cannot bear the strain,
Bruised through the constant suffering,
Dizzy, and dazed, and numb?
Remember-at “Wit’s End Corner”
Is where Jesus loves to come.

Are you standing at “Wit’s End Corner”?
Your work before you spread,
All lying begun, unfinished,
And pressing on heart and head,
Longing for strength to do it,
Stretching out trembling hands?
Remember-at. “Wit’s End Corner”
The Burden-bearer stands.

Are you standing at “Wit’s End Corner”?
Then you’re just in the very spot
To learn the wondrous resources
Of Him who faileth not:
No doubt to a brighter pathway
Your footsteps will soon be moved,
But only at “Wit’s End Corner”
Is the “God who is able” proved.
— Antoinette Wilson

Do not get discouraged; it may be the last key in the bunch that opens the door. — Stansifer

—《Streams in the Desert》
「 23 May 」


經文 :「你們吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你們便如神能知道善惡。」—「聖經·創世記 3章5b節」





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