Scripture: “If we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.” — [Romans 6:8]
The reason that God’s children live so little in the power of the resurrection life of Christ, is because they have so little understanding of or faith in their death with Christ. How clearly this appears from what Paul says: “If we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him”; it is the knowledge and experience that gives us the assurance of the power of His resurrection in us. “Christ died unto sin once; but the life that He liveth, He liveth unto God” (ver. 10). It is only because and as we know that we are dead with Him, that we can live with Him.
On the strength of this, Paul now appeals to his readers. “Even so reckon ye also yourselves to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God in Christ Jesus” (ver. 11). The words “even so reckon yourselves” are a call to an act of bold and confident faith. Reckon yourselves to be indeed dead unto sin, as much as Christ is, and alive to God in Christ Jesus. The word gives us a Divine assurance of what we actually are and have in Christ. And this not as a truth that our minds can master and appropriate, but a reality which the Holy Spirit will reveal within us. In His power we accept our death with Christ on the cross as the power of our daily life.
Then we are able to accept and obey the command: “Let not sin reign in your mortal body; but present yourself unto God, as alive from the dead; for sin shall not have dominion over you” (vers. 12, 13, 14). “Being made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness; present your members as servants to righteousness unto sanctification. Being now made free from sin, ye have your fruit unto sanctification” (vers. 18, 19, 22).
The whole chapter is a wonderful revelation of the deep meaning of its opening words: “How shall we, who died to sin, live any more therein ?” Everything depends upon our acceptance of the Divine assurance: if we died with Christ, as He died, and now lives to God, we too have the assurance that in Him we have the power to live unto God.
Scripture: “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” “He believed God, Who quickeneth the dead.” — [Romans 4:3b,17a]
Let us now, after listening to the words of our Lord Jesus about our fellowship with Him in the cross, turn to St. Paul, and see how through the Holy Spirit he gives the deeper insight into what our death in Christ means.
You know how the first section of Romans is devoted to the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ. After speaking (1:18-32) of the awful sin of the heathen, and then (2:1-29) of the sin of the Jew, he points out how Jew and Gentile are “guilty before God.” “All have sinned and come short.” And then he sets forth that free grace which gave the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (3:21-31). In chapter 4, he points to Abraham as having, when he believed, understood that God justified him freely by His grace, and not for anything that he had done.
Abraham had not only believed this, but something more. “He believed in God, Who quickeneth the dead, and calleth the things that are not, as though they were.” The two expressions are most significant, as indicating the two essential needs there are in the redemption of man in Christ Jesus. There is the need of justification by faith, to restore man to the favour of God. But there is more needed. He must also be quickened to a new life. Just as justification is by faith alone, so is regeneration also. Christ died for our sins; He was raised again out of, or through our justification.
In the first section (down to chapter 5:11) Paul deals exclusively with the great thought of our justification. But in the second section (5:12 to 8:39) he expounds that wonderful union with Christ through faith, by which we died with Him, by which we live in Him, and by which through the Holy Spirit, we are made free, not only from the punishment, but also from the power of sin, and are enabled to live the life of righteousenss, of obedience, and of sanctification.
Scripture: “When Jesus had received the vinegar. He said: ‘It is finished.'” — [John 19:30]
The seven words of our Lord on the cross reveal to us His mind and disposition. At the beginning of His ministry He said (John 4:34): “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.” In all things, the small as well as the great. He should accomplish God’s work. In the High-Priestly prayer at the end of the three years’ ministry, He could say (John 17:4): “I have glorified Thee on the earth, I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do.” He sacrificed all, and in dying on the cross could in truth say: “It is finished.”
With that word to the Father He laid down His life. With that word He was strengthened, after the terrible agony on the cross, in the knowledge that all was now fulfilled. And with that word He uttered the truth of the gospel of our redemption, that all that was needed for man’s salvation had been accomplished on the cross.
This disposition should characterize every follower of Christ. The mind that was in Him must be in us-it must he our meat, the strength of our life, to do the Will of God in all things, and to finish His work. There may be small things about which we are not conscientious and so we bring harm to ourselves and to God’s work. Or we draw back before some great thing which demands too much sacrifice. In every case we may find strength to perform our duty in Christ’s word: “It is finished.” His finished work secured the victory over every foe. By faith we may appropriate that dying word of Christ on the cross, and find the power for daily living and dying in the fellowship of the crucified Christ.
Child of God, study the inexhaustible treasure contained in this word: “It is finished.” Faith in what Christ accomplished on the cross will enable you to manifest in daily life the spirit of the cross.
Scripture: “‘Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit.’ And having said this, He gave up the ghost.” — [Luke 23:46]
Like David (Psalms 31:5), Christ had often committed His spirit into the hands of His Father for His daily life and need. But here is something new and very special. He gives up His spirit into the power of death, gives up all control over it, to sink down into the darkness and death of the grave, where He can neither think, nor pray, nor will. He surrenders himself to the utmost into the Father’s hands, trusting Him to care for Him in the dark, and in due time to raise Him up again.
If we have indeed died in Christ and are now in faith every day to carry about with us the death of our Lord Jesus, this word is the very one that we need. Just think once again what Christ meant when He said that we must hate and lose our life.
We died in Adam; the life we receive from him is death; there is nothing good or heavenly in us by nature. It is to this inward evil nature, to all the life that we have from this world, that we must die. There cannot be any thought of any real holiness, without totally dying to this self or “old man.” Many deceive themselves because they seek to be alive in God before they are dead to their own nature: a thing as impossible as it is for a grain of wheat to be alive before it dies. This total dying to self lies at the root of all true piety. The spiritual life must grow out of death.
And if we ask how we can do this, we find the answer in the mind in which Christ died. Like Him we cast ourselves upon God, without knowing how the new life is to be attained; but as we in fellowship with Jesus say, “Father, into Thy hands I commit my spirit,” and depend simply and absolutely upon God to raise us up into the new life, there will be fulfilled in us the wonderful promise of God’s Word, concerning the exceeding greatness of His power in us who believe, according to the mighty power which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.
This indeed is the true rest of faith, that lives every day and every hour in the absolute dependence upon the continual and immediate quickening of the Divine life in us by God Himself through the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”—”I thirst.”—”It is finished.” — [Matthew 27:46b, John 19:28b,30]
The three first words on the cross reveal love In its outflow to men. The next three reveal love in the tremendous sacrifice that it brought, to deliver us from our sins and give the victory over every foe. They will still reveal the very mind that was in Christ, and that is to be in us as the disposition of our whole life.
“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” How deep must have been the darkness that overshadowed Him, when not one ray of light could pierce, and He could not say, “My Father”! It was this awful desertion, breaking in upon that life of childlike fellowship with the Father in which He had always walked, that caused Him the agony and the bloody sweat in Gethsemane. “O My Father, let this cup pass from me.” — but it might not be, and He bowed His head in submission: “Thy will be done.” It was His love to God and love to man, yielding Himself to the very uttermost. It is as we learn to believe and to worship that love, that we too shall learn to say: “Abba, Father, Thy will be done.”
“I thirst.” The body now gives expression to the terrible experience of what it passed through when the fire of God’s wrath against sin came upon Christ in the hour of His desertion. He had spoken of Dives crying: “I am tormented in this flame.” Christ utters His complaint of what He had suffered. Physicians tell us that, in crucifixion the whole body is in agony with a terrible fever and pain. Our Lord endured it all and cried: “I thirst”; soul and body was the sacrifice He brought the Father.
And then comes the great word: “It is finished.” All that there was to suffer and endure had been brought a willing sacrifice; He had finished the work the Father gave Him to do. His love held nothing back. He gave Himself an offering and a sacrifice. Such was the mind of Christ, and such must be the disposition of everyone who owes Himself and his life to that sacrifice. The mind that was in Christ must be in us ready to say: “I am come to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.” And every day that our confidence grows fuller in Christ’s finished work, must see our heart more entirely yielding itself like Him, a whole burnt offering in the service of God and His love.
Scripture: “Then said Jesus: ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.’ ” — [Luke 23:34a]
The seven words on the cross reveal what the mind of Christ is, and show the dispositions that become His disciples. Take the three first words, all the expression of His wonderful love.
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He prays for His enemies. In the hour of their triumph over Him, and of the shame and suffering which they delight in showering on Him, He pours out His love in prayer for them. It is the call to everyone who believes in a crucified Christ, to go and do likewise, even as He has said, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which persecute you.” The law of the Master is the law for the disciple; the love of the crucified Jesus, the only rule for those who believe in Him.
“Woman, behold thy son!” “Behold thy mother!” The love that cared for His enemies, cared too for His friends. Jesus felt what the anguish must be in the heart of His widowed mother, and commits her to the care of the beloved disciple. He knew that for John there could be no higher privilege, and no more blessed service, than that of taking His place in the care of Mary. Even so we who are the disciples of Christ must not only pray for His enemies, but prove our love to Him, and to all who belong to Him, by seeing to it that every solitary one is comforted, and that every loving heart has some work to do in caring for those who belong to the blessed Master.
“Verily I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.” The penitent thief had appealed to Christ’s mercy to remember him. With what readiness of joy and love Christ gives the immediate answer to his prayer! Whether it was the love that prayed for His enemies, or the love that cared for His friends, or the love that rejoices over the penitent sinner who was bein? cast out by man, — in all Christ proves that the cross is a cross of love, that the Crucified One is the embodiment of a love that passeth knowledge.
With every thought of what we owe to that love, with every act of faith in which we rejoice in its redemption, let us prove that the mind of the crucified Christ is our mind, and that His love is not only what we trust in for ourselves, but what guides us in our loving intercourse with the world around us.
Scripture: “0 my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” — [Matthew 26:39b]
The death of Christ on the cross is the highest and the holiest that can be known of Him even in the glory of heaven. And the highest and the holiest that the Holy Spirit can work in us, is to take us up and to keep us in the fellowship of the cross of Christ. We need to enter deeply into the truth that Christ the beloved Son of the Father could not return to the glory of heaven until He had first given Himself over unto death. As this great truth opens up to us, it will help us to understand how in our life, and in our fellowship with Christ, it is impossible for us to share His life until we have first in very deed surrendered ourselves every day to die to sin and the world, and so to abide in the unbroken fellowship with our crucified Lord.
And it is from Christ alone that we can learn what it means to have fellowship with His sufferings, and to be made conformable unto His death. When in the agony of Gethsemane He looked forward to what a death on the cross would be, He got such a vision of what it meant to die the accursed death under the power of sin, with God’s countenance so turned from Him that not a single ray of its light could penetrate the darkness, He prayed that the cup might pass from Him. But when no answer came, and He understood that the Father could not allow the cup to pass by, He yielded up His whole will and life in the word : “Thy will be done.” O Christian, in this word of thy Lord in His agony, thou canst enter into fellowship with Him, and in His strength thy heart will be made strong to believe most confidently that God in His omnipotence will enable thee in very deed with Christ to yield up everything, because thou hast in very deed been crucified with Him.
“Thy will be done” ; let this be the deepest and the highest word in thy life. In the power of Christ with Whom thou hast been crucified, and in the power of His Spirit, the definite daily surrender to the ever-blessed will of God will become the joy and the strength of thy life.
Posted: 2022-06-22 by Gospel
💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220621『與耶穌同死-Dead With Christ』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]
經文: 「我們若是與基督同死,就信必與祂同活。」— [聖經·羅馬書 6章8節]
上帝的兒女們為何很少有人經歷到耶穌復活的大能?這是因為他們不了解何謂與耶穌同死,或對這事實沒有信心。保羅清楚說到:「我們若是與基督同死,就信必與祂同活。」這是可以體驗的真理,叫我們可確知復活的能力在我們身上。「祂死是向罪死了,只有一次,祂活是向上帝活著。」(羅馬書 6章10節),這是因為我們與祂同死,就堅信可以與祂同活。
接著保羅又向基督徒懇切呼籲:「這樣,你們向罪也當看自己是死的;向上帝在基督耶穌裡,卻當看自己是活的。」(羅馬書 6章11節),這個「看自己是」是一個大膽活潑的信心舉動,且給我們一個確據,就是耶穌活在我們心中,這不是頭腦的一個認知,乃是聖靈在我們心中作見證,是實際可經歷到的;就是在每天的生活中,我們接受與耶穌同釘十字架的事實,同時經歷祂復活能力的運行。
如此我們就能接受並遵行上帝的命令:「不要容罪在你們必死的身上作王,使你們順從身子的私慾。罪必不能作你們的主,因你們不在律法之下,乃在恩典之下。」(羅馬書 6章12,14),「你們既從罪裡得了釋放,就作了義的奴僕。你們既從罪裡得了(羅馬書 6章18,22節)釋放,作了上帝的奴僕,就有成聖的果子,那結局就是永生。」
—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月21日]
『 Dead With Christ 』
Scripture: “If we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.” — [Romans 6:8]
The reason that God’s children live so little in the power of the resurrection life of Christ, is because they have so little understanding of or faith in their death with Christ. How clearly this appears from what Paul says: “If we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him”; it is the knowledge and experience that gives us the assurance of the power of His resurrection in us. “Christ died unto sin once; but the life that He liveth, He liveth unto God” (ver. 10). It is only because and as we know that we are dead with Him, that we can live with Him.
On the strength of this, Paul now appeals to his readers. “Even so reckon ye also yourselves to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God in Christ Jesus” (ver. 11). The words “even so reckon yourselves” are a call to an act of bold and confident faith. Reckon yourselves to be indeed dead unto sin, as much as Christ is, and alive to God in Christ Jesus. The word gives us a Divine assurance of what we actually are and have in Christ. And this not as a truth that our minds can master and appropriate, but a reality which the Holy Spirit will reveal within us. In His power we accept our death with Christ on the cross as the power of our daily life.
Then we are able to accept and obey the command: “Let not sin reign in your mortal body; but present yourself unto God, as alive from the dead; for sin shall not have dominion over you” (vers. 12, 13, 14). “Being made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness; present your members as servants to righteousness unto sanctification. Being now made free from sin, ye have your fruit unto sanctification” (vers. 18, 19, 22).
The whole chapter is a wonderful revelation of the deep meaning of its opening words: “How shall we, who died to sin, live any more therein ?” Everything depends upon our acceptance of the Divine assurance: if we died with Christ, as He died, and now lives to God, we too have the assurance that in Him we have the power to live unto God.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 21 June 」
Posted: 2022-06-21 by Gospel
💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220620『上帝的公義-The Righteousness of God』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]
經文: 「亞伯拉罕信上帝,這就算為他的義。亞伯拉罕所信的,是那叫死人復活使無變為有的上帝。」— [聖經·羅馬書 4章3b,17a節]
羅馬書前半段提到「因信稱義」的道理,先提到外邦人的罪惡(第1章18-32節),然後提到猶太人的罪惡(第2章1-29節),他說無論「猶太人」或「外邦人」,在上帝面前都是有罪的,「因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺了上帝的榮耀。」(羅馬書 3章23節),然後他又提到在耶穌裡白白的救贖,在第四章他指出上帝算亞伯拉罕為義,不是因著他所行的事,乃是因著他的信。
—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月20日]
『 The Righteousness of God 』
Scripture: “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” “He believed God, Who quickeneth the dead.” — [Romans 4:3b,17a]
Let us now, after listening to the words of our Lord Jesus about our fellowship with Him in the cross, turn to St. Paul, and see how through the Holy Spirit he gives the deeper insight into what our death in Christ means.
You know how the first section of Romans is devoted to the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ. After speaking (1:18-32) of the awful sin of the heathen, and then (2:1-29) of the sin of the Jew, he points out how Jew and Gentile are “guilty before God.” “All have sinned and come short.” And then he sets forth that free grace which gave the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (3:21-31). In chapter 4, he points to Abraham as having, when he believed, understood that God justified him freely by His grace, and not for anything that he had done.
Abraham had not only believed this, but something more. “He believed in God, Who quickeneth the dead, and calleth the things that are not, as though they were.” The two expressions are most significant, as indicating the two essential needs there are in the redemption of man in Christ Jesus. There is the need of justification by faith, to restore man to the favour of God. But there is more needed. He must also be quickened to a new life. Just as justification is by faith alone, so is regeneration also. Christ died for our sins; He was raised again out of, or through our justification.
In the first section (down to chapter 5:11) Paul deals exclusively with the great thought of our justification. But in the second section (5:12 to 8:39) he expounds that wonderful union with Christ through faith, by which we died with Him, by which we live in Him, and by which through the Holy Spirit, we are made free, not only from the punishment, but also from the power of sin, and are enabled to live the life of righteousenss, of obedience, and of sanctification.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 20 June 」
Posted: 2022-06-18 by Gospel
💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220618『成了-It is Finished』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]
經文: 「耶穌嘗了那醋,就說:成了;便低下頭,將靈魂交付上帝了。」— [聖經·約翰福音 19章30節]
耶穌在十字架上說的這句話,顯明祂的心志與順服。祂在傳道之初就說:「我的食物,就是遵行差我來者的旨意,作成祂的工。」(約翰福音 4章34節),在凡事上無論大小,祂一心就是要把上帝所交待的事做好。在祂三年傳道工作之後,祂以最高祭司的身份如此禱告:「我在地上已經榮耀祢,祢所託付我的事,我已成全了。」(約翰福音 17章4節),祂犧牲一切,為我們捨棄生命在十字架上,因此祂可以這樣說:「成了」。
—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月18日]
『 It is Finished 』
Scripture: “When Jesus had received the vinegar. He said: ‘It is finished.'” — [John 19:30]
The seven words of our Lord on the cross reveal to us His mind and disposition. At the beginning of His ministry He said (John 4:34): “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.” In all things, the small as well as the great. He should accomplish God’s work. In the High-Priestly prayer at the end of the three years’ ministry, He could say (John 17:4): “I have glorified Thee on the earth, I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do.” He sacrificed all, and in dying on the cross could in truth say: “It is finished.”
With that word to the Father He laid down His life. With that word He was strengthened, after the terrible agony on the cross, in the knowledge that all was now fulfilled. And with that word He uttered the truth of the gospel of our redemption, that all that was needed for man’s salvation had been accomplished on the cross.
This disposition should characterize every follower of Christ. The mind that was in Him must be in us-it must he our meat, the strength of our life, to do the Will of God in all things, and to finish His work. There may be small things about which we are not conscientious and so we bring harm to ourselves and to God’s work. Or we draw back before some great thing which demands too much sacrifice. In every case we may find strength to perform our duty in Christ’s word: “It is finished.” His finished work secured the victory over every foe. By faith we may appropriate that dying word of Christ on the cross, and find the power for daily living and dying in the fellowship of the crucified Christ.
Child of God, study the inexhaustible treasure contained in this word: “It is finished.” Faith in what Christ accomplished on the cross will enable you to manifest in daily life the spirit of the cross.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 18 June 」
Posted: 2022-06-18 by Gospel
💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220617『十字架的死-The Death of The Cross』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]
經文: 「耶穌大聲喊著說:父啊!我將我的靈魂交在祢手裏;說了這話,氣就斷了。」— [聖經·路加福音 23章46節]
—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月17日]
『 The Death of The Cross 』
Scripture: “‘Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit.’ And having said this, He gave up the ghost.” — [Luke 23:46]
Like David (Psalms 31:5), Christ had often committed His spirit into the hands of His Father for His daily life and need. But here is something new and very special. He gives up His spirit into the power of death, gives up all control over it, to sink down into the darkness and death of the grave, where He can neither think, nor pray, nor will. He surrenders himself to the utmost into the Father’s hands, trusting Him to care for Him in the dark, and in due time to raise Him up again.
If we have indeed died in Christ and are now in faith every day to carry about with us the death of our Lord Jesus, this word is the very one that we need. Just think once again what Christ meant when He said that we must hate and lose our life.
We died in Adam; the life we receive from him is death; there is nothing good or heavenly in us by nature. It is to this inward evil nature, to all the life that we have from this world, that we must die. There cannot be any thought of any real holiness, without totally dying to this self or “old man.” Many deceive themselves because they seek to be alive in God before they are dead to their own nature: a thing as impossible as it is for a grain of wheat to be alive before it dies. This total dying to self lies at the root of all true piety. The spiritual life must grow out of death.
And if we ask how we can do this, we find the answer in the mind in which Christ died. Like Him we cast ourselves upon God, without knowing how the new life is to be attained; but as we in fellowship with Jesus say, “Father, into Thy hands I commit my spirit,” and depend simply and absolutely upon God to raise us up into the new life, there will be fulfilled in us the wonderful promise of God’s Word, concerning the exceeding greatness of His power in us who believe, according to the mighty power which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.
This indeed is the true rest of faith, that lives every day and every hour in the absolute dependence upon the continual and immediate quickening of the Divine life in us by God Himself through the Holy Spirit.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 17 June 」
Posted: 2022-06-16 by Gospel
💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220616『十字架的犧牲-The Sacrifice of The Cross』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]
經文: 「我的上帝!我的上帝!為甚麼離棄我?| 我渴了。| 成了!」— [聖經·馬太福音 27章46b節,約翰福音 19章28b節、30節錄]
「我的上帝!我的上帝!為什麼離棄我?」那覆蓋在耶穌身上的黑暗是何等的大,連一絲光線都透不過,甚至祂無法喊出:「我的父啊!」,耶穌一向與天父合而為一,每天同心同行緊密地連結在一起,但現在耶穌背負著世人所有的罪孽在身上,以致天父只好掩面不看祂,不得不暫時離棄祂,造成耶穌無比的痛苦與折磨,所以祂在客西馬尼園汗如血滴般流下,流淚懇切禱告主:「倘若可行,求祢叫這杯離開我。」但祂最後還是順服上帝說:「然而不要照我的意思,只要照祢的意思。」(馬太福音 26章39b節),這是耶穌愛上帝、愛世人最高度至極的表現-順服天父,為世人捨命。我們信服上帝的人,也當效法耶穌的榜樣,向上帝說:「阿爸天父,願祢的旨意成就!」
「我渴了。」(約翰福音 19章28b節),天父上帝對世人罪惡的震怒,整個發洩在耶穌身上,耶穌的肉體在這個痛苦黑暗的時刻,飽受烈火的煎熬與摧殘,為著將自己獻上作為挽回祭,耶穌甘心樂意地忍受肉體的折磨,但還是不得不喊出:「我渴了」。
接著祂又說:「成了!」(約翰福音 19章30節錄),為了完成天父所交付給祂的使命,耶穌甘心樂意地把自己獻為贖罪祭,忍受心靈與肉體的折磨與痛苦,不求任何的回報,事後還說:「成了」;這就是耶穌的心。我們這些信靠耶穌的人,也當以耶穌的心為心,隨時準備好願為耶穌擺上:「遵行差我來者的旨意,作成祂的工。」(約翰福音 4章34b節錄)。
—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月16日]
『 The Sacrifice of The Cross 』
Scripture: “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”—”I thirst.”—”It is finished.” — [Matthew 27:46b, John 19:28b,30]
The three first words on the cross reveal love In its outflow to men. The next three reveal love in the tremendous sacrifice that it brought, to deliver us from our sins and give the victory over every foe. They will still reveal the very mind that was in Christ, and that is to be in us as the disposition of our whole life.
“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” How deep must have been the darkness that overshadowed Him, when not one ray of light could pierce, and He could not say, “My Father”! It was this awful desertion, breaking in upon that life of childlike fellowship with the Father in which He had always walked, that caused Him the agony and the bloody sweat in Gethsemane. “O My Father, let this cup pass from me.” — but it might not be, and He bowed His head in submission: “Thy will be done.” It was His love to God and love to man, yielding Himself to the very uttermost. It is as we learn to believe and to worship that love, that we too shall learn to say: “Abba, Father, Thy will be done.”
“I thirst.” The body now gives expression to the terrible experience of what it passed through when the fire of God’s wrath against sin came upon Christ in the hour of His desertion. He had spoken of Dives crying: “I am tormented in this flame.” Christ utters His complaint of what He had suffered. Physicians tell us that, in crucifixion the whole body is in agony with a terrible fever and pain. Our Lord endured it all and cried: “I thirst”; soul and body was the sacrifice He brought the Father.
And then comes the great word: “It is finished.” All that there was to suffer and endure had been brought a willing sacrifice; He had finished the work the Father gave Him to do. His love held nothing back. He gave Himself an offering and a sacrifice. Such was the mind of Christ, and such must be the disposition of everyone who owes Himself and his life to that sacrifice. The mind that was in Christ must be in us ready to say: “I am come to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.” And every day that our confidence grows fuller in Christ’s finished work, must see our heart more entirely yielding itself like Him, a whole burnt offering in the service of God and His love.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 16 June 」
Posted: 2022-06-15 by Gospel
💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220615『十字架的愛-The Love of The Cross』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]
經文: 「當下耶穌說:父啊!赦免他們,因為他們所作的,他們不曉得。」— [聖經·路加福音 23章34a節]
「婦人,看你的兒子。……看你的母親。」(約翰福音 19章26-27),耶穌不但愛仇敵,也顧念祂的朋友家人。祂明白自己的受死,會帶給祂守寡的母親何等大的哀痛,所以祂把她交給心愛的門徒約翰照顧,並知道這對約翰而言,也是何等大的殊榮。所以,既作耶穌的門徒,不但要為仇敵禱告,也要顧念屬主耶穌的弟兄姐妹們,讓傷心的得安慰,讓孤單的得陪伴。
「今日你要同我在樂園裡了。」(路加 23章43節),與耶穌同釘十字架的兩個強盜之一,求耶穌憐憫紀念他,耶穌毫不遲疑的首肯,讓他同享樂園的福份。耶穌不但愛仇敵、朋友,連人人厭棄的強盜惡人,祂也樂意分享祂的愛。這一切證明十字架的愛,是超過我們知識所了解,而耶穌在十架上犧牲生命,正是愛的具體表現。
—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月15日]
『 The Love of The Cross 』
Scripture: “Then said Jesus: ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.’ ” — [Luke 23:34a]
The seven words on the cross reveal what the mind of Christ is, and show the dispositions that become His disciples. Take the three first words, all the expression of His wonderful love.
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He prays for His enemies. In the hour of their triumph over Him, and of the shame and suffering which they delight in showering on Him, He pours out His love in prayer for them. It is the call to everyone who believes in a crucified Christ, to go and do likewise, even as He has said, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which persecute you.” The law of the Master is the law for the disciple; the love of the crucified Jesus, the only rule for those who believe in Him.
“Woman, behold thy son!” “Behold thy mother!” The love that cared for His enemies, cared too for His friends. Jesus felt what the anguish must be in the heart of His widowed mother, and commits her to the care of the beloved disciple. He knew that for John there could be no higher privilege, and no more blessed service, than that of taking His place in the care of Mary. Even so we who are the disciples of Christ must not only pray for His enemies, but prove our love to Him, and to all who belong to Him, by seeing to it that every solitary one is comforted, and that every loving heart has some work to do in caring for those who belong to the blessed Master.
“Verily I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.” The penitent thief had appealed to Christ’s mercy to remember him. With what readiness of joy and love Christ gives the immediate answer to his prayer! Whether it was the love that prayed for His enemies, or the love that cared for His friends, or the love that rejoices over the penitent sinner who was bein? cast out by man, — in all Christ proves that the cross is a cross of love, that the Crucified One is the embodiment of a love that passeth knowledge.
With every thought of what we owe to that love, with every act of faith in which we rejoice in its redemption, let us prove that the mind of the crucified Christ is our mind, and that His love is not only what we trust in for ourselves, but what guides us in our loving intercourse with the world around us.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 15 June 」
Last Updated: 2022-06-14 by Gospel
💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220614『順服主旨-THY Will Be Done』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]
經文: 「我父啊!倘若可行,求祢叫這杯離開我;然而不要照我的意思,只要照祢的意思。」— [聖經·馬太福音 26章39b節]
惟有從主耶穌那兒,我們才能明白何謂與耶穌同受苦:有份於祂的死且與祂聯合。那夜祂在客西馬尼園,想到要親嚐罪權勢下的咒詛:被上帝離棄,釘死十字架。不禁憂傷痛苦,汗如血滴流下,祂流淚禱告,求上帝將這苦杯挪去,但上帝掩面不願看祂,也沒有絲毫亮光透過這無盡的黑暗,耶穌得不著上帝任何的回應,於是明白上帝要祂嚐此苦杯,祂就謙卑伏服在上帝面前說:「願祢的意旨成全。」(馬太福音 26章42節)。
—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月14日]
『 THY Will Be Done 』
Scripture: “0 my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” — [Matthew 26:39b]
The death of Christ on the cross is the highest and the holiest that can be known of Him even in the glory of heaven. And the highest and the holiest that the Holy Spirit can work in us, is to take us up and to keep us in the fellowship of the cross of Christ. We need to enter deeply into the truth that Christ the beloved Son of the Father could not return to the glory of heaven until He had first given Himself over unto death. As this great truth opens up to us, it will help us to understand how in our life, and in our fellowship with Christ, it is impossible for us to share His life until we have first in very deed surrendered ourselves every day to die to sin and the world, and so to abide in the unbroken fellowship with our crucified Lord.
And it is from Christ alone that we can learn what it means to have fellowship with His sufferings, and to be made conformable unto His death. When in the agony of Gethsemane He looked forward to what a death on the cross would be, He got such a vision of what it meant to die the accursed death under the power of sin, with God’s countenance so turned from Him that not a single ray of its light could penetrate the darkness, He prayed that the cup might pass from Him. But when no answer came, and He understood that the Father could not allow the cup to pass by, He yielded up His whole will and life in the word : “Thy will be done.” O Christian, in this word of thy Lord in His agony, thou canst enter into fellowship with Him, and in His strength thy heart will be made strong to believe most confidently that God in His omnipotence will enable thee in very deed with Christ to yield up everything, because thou hast in very deed been crucified with Him.
“Thy will be done” ; let this be the deepest and the highest word in thy life. In the power of Christ with Whom thou hast been crucified, and in the power of His Spirit, the definite daily surrender to the ever-blessed will of God will become the joy and the strength of thy life.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 14 June 」
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