Scripture: This is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” — (John 4:42b)
Omnipotence and Omnipresence are what are called natural attributes of God. They have their true worth only when linked to and inspired by His moral attributes, holiness and love. When our Lord spoke of the omnipotence having been given to Him—all power on earth and in heaven—and the omnipresence—His presence with each of His disciples—His words pointed to that which lies at the root of all—His divine glory as the Saviour of the world and Redeemer of men. It was because He humbled Himself and became obedient to death, the death of the Cross, that God so highly exalted Him. His share as the man Christ Jesus in the attributes of God was owing to the work He had done in His perfect obedience to the will of God and the finished redemption He had wrought out for the salvation of men.
It is this that gives meaning and worth to what He says of Himself as the omnipotent and omnipresent One. Between His mention of these two attributes, He gives His command that they should go out into all the world and preach the Gospel, and teach men to obey all that He has commanded. It is as the Redeemer Who saves and keeps from sin, as the Lord Christ Who claims obedience to all that He has commanded, that He promises His divine presence to be with His servants.
It follows as a matter of necessity that it is only when His servants in their lives show that they obey Him in all His commands, that they can expect the fullness of His power and His presence to be with them. It is only when they themselves are living witnesses to the reality of His power to save and to keep from sin that they can expect the full experience of His abiding presence, and that they will have power to train others to the life of obedience that He asks.
Yes, it is Jesus Christ Who saves His people from their sin, Who rules over a people willing in the day of His power, and proves in them that He enables them to say, “I delight to do Thy will, O my God,” Who says, “Lo, I am with you alway.” The abiding presence of the Saviour from sin is promised to all who have accepted Him in the fullness of His redeeming power, and who preach by their lives as well as by their words what a wonderful Saviour He is.
Posted: 2021-07-09 by Gospel
📖《神的心意》20210709『耶穌是人類的救主-CHRIST the Saviour of the World』
經文: 「耶穌是救世主。」— (聖經·約翰福音 4章42節b)
是的,耶穌基督將上帝的百姓從罪惡中拯救出來,祂帶領一群祂所揀選的門徒,賜給他們力量,使他們能開口讚美:「我的上帝哪!我喜悅遵行祢的旨意。」,耶穌也應許他們:「我就常與你們同在。」(馬太福音 廿八20),那些接受耶穌基督為救主的人,上帝要賜給他們能力,拒絕罪惡的誘惑,脫離罪惡的轄制,過著得勝的生活,讓他們活出耶穌基督的形象,見證耶穌是怎樣一位又真又活的奇妙救贖主!
—《 神 的 心 意 》
(每日靈修 7月9日)
『 CHRIST the Saviour of the World 』
Scripture: This is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” — (John 4:42b)
Omnipotence and Omnipresence are what are called natural attributes of God. They have their true worth only when linked to and inspired by His moral attributes, holiness and love. When our Lord spoke of the omnipotence having been given to Him—all power on earth and in heaven—and the omnipresence—His presence with each of His disciples—His words pointed to that which lies at the root of all—His divine glory as the Saviour of the world and Redeemer of men. It was because He humbled Himself and became obedient to death, the death of the Cross, that God so highly exalted Him. His share as the man Christ Jesus in the attributes of God was owing to the work He had done in His perfect obedience to the will of God and the finished redemption He had wrought out for the salvation of men.
It is this that gives meaning and worth to what He says of Himself as the omnipotent and omnipresent One. Between His mention of these two attributes, He gives His command that they should go out into all the world and preach the Gospel, and teach men to obey all that He has commanded. It is as the Redeemer Who saves and keeps from sin, as the Lord Christ Who claims obedience to all that He has commanded, that He promises His divine presence to be with His servants.
It follows as a matter of necessity that it is only when His servants in their lives show that they obey Him in all His commands, that they can expect the fullness of His power and His presence to be with them. It is only when they themselves are living witnesses to the reality of His power to save and to keep from sin that they can expect the full experience of His abiding presence, and that they will have power to train others to the life of obedience that He asks.
Yes, it is Jesus Christ Who saves His people from their sin, Who rules over a people willing in the day of His power, and proves in them that He enables them to say, “I delight to do Thy will, O my God,” Who says, “Lo, I am with you alway.” The abiding presence of the Saviour from sin is promised to all who have accepted Him in the fullness of His redeeming power, and who preach by their lives as well as by their words what a wonderful Saviour He is.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray ( 9 July )
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