💜《神的心意 God’s Best Secrets》20221013『時間 Time』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「你們不能同我一起儆醒片時麼?」— [聖經·馬太福音 26章40b節]





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 10月13日]


『 Time 』

Scripture: “What, could ye not watch with me one hour?” — [Matthew 26:40b]

        One who wishes to pray as we have indicated in our previous meditations, might say: “I think I could do all that in ten minutes’ time.” Very well; if ten minutes is all the time that you can give, see what you can do in that time. Most people can spare more time. If they will only persevere from day to day, with their hearts set oh prayer, time will come of its own accord.

Is it possible that Christians can say that they cannot afford to spend a quarter or half an hour alone with God and His Word? When a friend comes to see us, or we have to attend an important meeting, or there is anything to our advantage or pleasure, we find time easily enough.

        And God, the great God, who has a right to us and who in His wondrous love longs for us to spend time with Him, that He may communicate to us His power and grace-we find no time for fellowship with Him. Even God’s own servants, who might consider it their special privilege to be much with Him in prayer to receive the fulness of power-even His servants are so occupied with their own work that they find little time for that which is all-important—waiting on God to receive power from on high.

Dear child of God, let us never say, “I have no time for God.” Let the Holy Spirit teach us that the most important, the most blessed, the most profitable time of the whole day is the time we spend alone with God. Pray to the Lord Jesus, who in His earthly life experienced the need of prayer, pray to the Holy Spirit, who will impress upon us this divine truth. As indispensable to me as the bread I eat, and the air I breathe, is communion with God through His Word and prayer. Whatever else is left undone, God has the first and chief right to my time. Then only will my surrender to God’s will be full and unreserved.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 13 October 」