💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220813『天上的國度-The Kingdom of Heaven』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「願祢的國降臨;願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。」— [聖經·馬太福音 6章10節]

        宇宙萬物、天使靈體未造之先,那從亙古以來的永恆之靈與光,是天使與人類所擁有的,也是能與造物主溝通的媒介,因著罪的進入,使得這層溝通斷絕了。惟有藉著接受耶穌基督救贖之恩,恢復上帝與人之間和好的關係,才能再度有份於擁有那亙古以來的永恆之靈與光,也就是起初上帝擺在一個受造之物裡面的榮耀樣式。 何謂福音?福音就是耶穌道成了肉身,天國降臨在人間;在祂裡面毫無屬世的地位,也無天然人的力量;因為耶穌完全棄絕自己人子的權益,只單單讓聖靈運行在祂心裡面,這就是天國的好消息。總括來說,福音就是讓人心成為天國,藉著源源不絕的靈與光,得與上帝對話溝通。新約不也一再證明,惟有藉著重生得救,聖靈進入我們心裡,我們才得以活在上帝面前;這不是我們思想、意願,或行動所能達到的,這完完全全是聖靈自然結出的果子。 

        「願祢的國降臨;願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。」(馬太福音 六10) 天國不就是指從「受造物」看到「造物主」形像的彰顯嗎?祂的旨意被遵行,不是指聖靈成為我們心中引導我們思想言行的最高指揮者嗎?簡單而言,這段禱文提醒我們要時時刻刻與主的靈緊密連結,才能活出「在地若天」的美好生活。 



—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月13日]


『 The Kingdom of Heaven 』

Scripture: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” — [Matthew 6:10]

        “That one Light and Spirit, which was only one from all A eternity, before angels or any heavenly beings were created, must to all eternity be that one only Light and Spirit by which angels or men can ever have any union or communion with God. What, therefore, can have the least share of power towards man’s redemption, but the Light and Spirit of God making again a birth of themselves in Him, as they did in His first glorious creation.

        “Hence it is that the Gospel state is by our Lord affirmed to be a kingdom of heaven at hand, or come among men, because it has the nature of no worldly thing or creaturely power, receives nothing from man but man’s full denial of himself, has no existence, but in that working power of God that created and upholds heaven and earth, and is a kingdom of God become man, and a kingdom of men united to God through a continual, immediate Divine illumination. What Scripture of the New Testament can you read that does not prove this to be the Gospel state, a kingdom of God into which none can enter but by being born of the Spirit, none can continue to be alive in it but by being led by the Spirit, and which not a thought, or desire, or action, can be allowed to have any part in it but as it is a fruit of the Spirit?

        ” ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ What is God’s Kingdom in heaven but the manifestation of what God is and what He does in His heavenly creatures? How is His will done there, but because His Holy Spirit is the life, the power, and mover of all that live in it. We daily read this prayer, reminding us that nothing but a continual, essential, immediate, Divine illumination can do that which we pray may be done. For where can God’s Kingdom become, but where every other power but His is at an end, and driven out of it? How can His will only be done, but where the Spirit that wills in God, wills in the creature?

        “This is the truth of the Kingdom of God, come unto men, and this is the birthright privilege of all that are living members of it, to be delivered from their own natural spirit which they had from Adam, from the spirit and wisdom of this world, and through the whole course of thier lives only to say, and do, and be that which the Spirit of their Father worketh in them.”

How much has been written about what the Kingdom of heaven means, but here we have what it really is. As God rules in His Kingdom in heaven, so when the kingdom comes into our hearts He lives and rules there. The Kingdom of God consists of the men in whom God rules as He does in heaven.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 13 August 」