💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220604『十字架的救贖-The Redemption of the Cross』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「基督既為我們受了咒詛,就贖出我們脫離律法的咒詛;因為經上記著:凡掛在木頭上都是被咒詛的。」— [聖經·加拉太書 3章13節]



基於這些真理,那些迷途的羔羊與最無望的罪人,在耶穌基督裡找到盼望與有福的確據。當初上帝確實因著始祖犯罪,就咒詛這地與其上的一切。上帝向以色列民再三強調罪與咒詛的關係:「被掛的人是在上帝面前受咒詛的。」(參看申命記 21章23節;27章15-20節),但是有誰想到上帝的兒子,竟為我們成為被咒詛的對象,被掛在十架上受死?然而這卻顯明上帝的愛與福音的本質:那信靠耶穌、認罪悔改的,咒詛永遠被挪去。


—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月4日]


『 The Redemption of the Cross 』

Scripture: “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.” — [Galatians 3:13]

Scripture teaches us that there are two points of view from which we may regard Christ’s death upon the cross.

The one is the redemption of the cross: Christ dying for us as our complete deliverance from the curse of sin. The other, the fellowship of the cross: Christ taking us up to die with Him, and making us partakers of the fellowship of His death in our own experience.

In our text we have three great unsearchable thoughts. The law of God has pronounced a curse on all sin and on all that is sinful. Christ took our curse upon Him, yea, became a curse, and so destroyed its power, and in that cross we now have the everlasting redemption from sin and all its power. The cross reveals to us man’s sin, as under the curse, Christ becoming a curse and so overcoming it, and our full and everlasting deliverance from the curse.

In these thoughts the lost and most hopeless sinner finds a sure ground of confidence and of hope. God had indeed in Paradise pronounced a curse upon this earth and all that belongs to it. On Mount Eba’, in connection with giving the law, half of the people of Israel were twelve times over to pronounce a curse on all sin. And there was to be in their midst a continual reminder of it. “Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Deuteronomy 21:23, 27:15-20). And yet who could ever have thought that the Son of God Himself would die upon the accursed tree, and become a curse for us? But such is in very deed the Gospel of God’s love, and the penitent sinner can now rejoice in the confident assurance that the curse is for ever put away from all who believe in Christ Jesus.

The preaching of the redemption of the cross is the foundation and centre of the salvation the Gospel brings us. To those who believe its full truth it is a cause of unceasing thanksgiving. It gives us boldness to rejoice in God. There is nothing which will keep the heart more tender towards God, enabling us to live in His love and to make Him known to those who have never yet found Him. God be praised for the redemption of the cross!

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 2 June 」