💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220530『聖徒的禱告-Prayer by All Saints』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「你們以祈禱幫助我們,好叫許多人為我們謝恩。」—「聖經·哥林多後書 1章11a節」

「那一等傳基督,是出於結黨,並不誠實,意思要加增我捆鎖的苦楚,這有何妨……因為我知道這事藉著你們的祈禱和耶穌基督之靈的幫助,終必叫我得救。」—「聖經·腓立比書 1章17-19節錄」





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 5月30日]


『 Prayer by All Saints 』

Scripture: “We trust in God that Pie will yet deliver us; you also helping together by prayer for us.” — [2 Corinthians 1:11a]

“Some preach Christ of contention, supposing to add affliction to my bonds. For I know that this shall turn to my salvation, through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus.” — [Philippians 1:17-19]

This subject calls us once again to think of all saints throughout the world, but leads us to view them from a different standpoint. If we are to ask God to increase the number and the power of those who do pray, we shall be led to form some impression of what the hope is that our circle of intercessors may gradually increase in number and power.

Our first thoughts will naturally turn to the multitude of the saints who think and know very little about the duty or the blessedness of pleading for the body of Christ, or for all the work which has to be done to perfect its members. We shall then have to remember how many there are for whom we may praise God that they do intercede for the power of His Spirit, but their thoughts are chiefly limited to spheres of work that they are acquainted with, or directly interested in.

That will leave us with what is, comparatively speaking, a very limited number of those who will be ready to take part in the prayer which ought to be sent up by the whole Church, for the unity of the Body and the power of the Spirit. And even then the number may be but small who really feel themselves drawn and urged to take part in this daily prayer for the outpouring of the Spirit on all God’s people. And yet many may be feeling that the proposal meets a long-felt need, and that it is an unspeakable privilege, whether with few or many, to make Christ’s last prayer, “that they may be one,” the daily supplication of our faith and love. It may be that in time believers will band together in small circles, or throughout wider districts, in helping to rouse those around them to take part in the great work that the prayer for all saints may become one by all saints.

This message is sent out as a wireless to all that desire to be in touch with it, and to seek to prove their consecration to their Lord in the unceasing daily supplication for the Power of His love and Spirit to be revealed to all His people.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 30 May 」