💜《神的心意》20211007『聖靈的賜予-The Dispensation of the Spirit』— 慕安德烈

經文: 「天父豈不更將聖靈給求祂的人麼?」— (聖經·路加福音 11章13b節)

有一本關於禱告的小書,作者以他過來人的經驗,分享自己如何經歷更深禱告生活的祕訣,試圖將他的心得傳承給我們。當我們思想禱告這題目,不禁想到我們正活在聖靈澆灌的世代,他說:「我深深覺得我們處在聖靈作工的世代,凡我們所做的服事,若非出於聖靈的感動或催逼,就沒有什麼價值。」這也令我想起一處寶貴的經文:「你們雖然不好,尚且知道拿好東西給兒女。何況天父,豈不更將聖靈給求祂的人麼?」(路加福音 十一13)




—《 神 的 心 意 》
(每日靈修 10月7日)


『 The Dispensation of the Spirit 』

Scripture: “How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?” — (Luke 11:13)

The writer of a little book on Prayer tells us that he has learned through his own experience the secret of a better prayer life, and would gladly pass on that which has helped him. As he was meditating on prayer, the great thought came with power, that we are now living in the dispensation of the Spirit. He says: “I felt deeply that in this time of the working of the Holy Spirit, all we may do in God’s service is of little value unless it is inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit. This brought me to the well-known, precious, and inexhaustible text, ‘How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?'”

I felt anew that the main thing for each of us is to receive, afresh from the Father, the Holy Spirit for our daily needs and daily life. Without this we cannot please God, nor can we be of any real help to our fellow-men. This brought the further thought that our prayers, if they are to raise our loves to fulfil God’s purpose, must have their origin in God Himself, the highest source of power. Water cannot rise higher than its source. And so it happens that if the Holy Spirit prays through us, as human channels or conduits, our prayers will rise again to God, who is their source, and the prayers will be answered by the Divine working in ourselves and in others. “I believe more and more,” says the writer, “that the Christian life of each one of us depends chiefly on the quality of our prayers and not on the quantity.”

What material for thought is here, for deep meditation, for earnest prayer! When you pray today, ask the Heavenly Father to give you the Holy Spirit afresh for this day. He yearns to do it.

Father, grant me now the working of Thy Holy Spirit, that I may learn to pray.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 7 October 」