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💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220819『兩種知識-Two Kinds of Knowledge』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「你們若被聖靈引導,就不在律法以下。」— [聖經·加拉太書 5章18節]





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月19日]

『 Two Kinds of Knowledge 』

Scripture: “But if you are guided by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” — [Galatians  5:18]

        “Every kind of virtue and goodness may be brought into us by two different ways. They may be taught us outwardly by men, by rules and precepts; and they may be inwardly born in us as the genuine birth of our own renewed spirit. In the former way, they at best only change our outward behaviour, putting our passions under a false restraint. Now this way of learning and attaining goodness, though thus imperfect, is yet absolutely necessary, and must have its time and work in us; yet it is only for a time, as the law was a schoolmaster to the Gospel. But of all this outward instruction, whether from good men, or the letter of Scripture, it must be said as the Apostle says of the law, that ‘it maketh nothing perfect.’ And yet it is highly necessary in order to perfection. All the Scriptures have no other good or benefit in them, but as they lead to a salvation, not to be had in themselves, but from faith in Christ Jesus. Their teach Ping is only to teach us where to seek and to find the fountain and source of all light and knowledge. They can only direct us to something that is better than themselves, that can be the true Light, Life, and Power of Holiness in us.

        “From this twofold life or teaching there naturally arises a twofold state of virtue and goodness. If you learn virtue and goodness only from outward means, from men or books, you will be virtuous or good, according to time and place and outward forms. You may do works of humility, works of love, use times and forms of prayer; all this goodness is suitable to this kind of teaching, and may very well be had in it. But the Spirit of Prayer, the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Humility, are only to be obtained by the operation of the Light and Spirit of God, not outwardly teaching, but inwardly bringing forth a new-born spirit within us.”

Alas, how much there is in the Church of the outward teaching with its intermittent states of goodness. Let us with our whole heart believe in that immediate teaching and working of the Holy Spirit, which brings the life of heaven as a new-born spirit within us.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 19 August 」

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