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💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220817『雙重生命-The Twofold Life』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「我們既因信稱義,就藉著我們的主耶穌基督得與上帝相和。」(聖經·羅馬書 5章1節)「用和平彼此聯絡,竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心。」(聖經·以弗所書 4章3節)





—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月17日]

『 The Twofold Life 』

Scripture: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:” — (Romans 5:1) “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” — (Ephesians 4:3)

        “No intelligent creature, whether angel or man, can be good and happy, but by partaking of and having in himself a twofold life. Now there is in the nature of things, an absolute necessity of this twofold life in every creature that is to be good and happy. The twofold life is this: it must have the life of nature and the life of God in it. It cannot be a creature, and intelligent, but by having the life and properties of nature, that is, by finding itself to be a life of various sensibilities that has a power of Understanding, Willing and Desiring. This is its creaturely life which, by the creating power of God, it has in and from nature. God Himself cannot make a creature to be in its self, or as to its own nature anything else but a state of emptiness, of want, of appetite. The highest life therefore, that is natural and creaturely, can go no higher than this; it can only be a bare capacity for goodness and happiness, and cannot possibly be a good and happy life but by the life of God dwelling in and in union with it.

        “There can be no goodness and happiness for any intelligent creature but in and by this twofold life; and therefore the union of the Divine and human life, or the Son of God incarnate in man, to make man again a partaker of the Divine nature, is the one only possible salvation for all the sons of fallen Adam, that is, of Adam dead to, or fallen from, his first union with the Divine life.

        “A plain demonstration that there can be no happiness, blessing and goodness for any creature in heaven or on earth, but by having, as the Gospel says, Jesus Christ made unto it Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Peace with God. The reason is this: it is because goodness and happiness are absolutely inseparable from God, and can be nowhere but in God.

        “This great truth clearly gives the solid distinction between inward holiness and all outward, creaturely practices. All the dispensations of God, whether by the law or the prophets, by the Scriptures or ordinances of the Church are only helps to a holiness which they cannot give, but are meant to turn the creaturely life from itself and its own working to a faith and hope, a hunger and thirst after that first union with the life of the Deity, which was lost in the fall of the first father of mankind.”

May God bring us to be possessed by the great truth, that because goodness and happiness are absolutely inseparable from God, our only hope is to be found in the unceasing fellowship with Himself, and that Love which longs to have complete possession of us. Let this be our one desire and continual prayer-the life and the love of God dwelling in our hearts.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 17 August 」

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