經文: 「如果上帝的靈住在你們心裡,你們就不屬肉體,乃屬聖靈了。人若沒有基督的靈,就不是屬基督的。基督若在你們心裡,身體就因罪而死,心靈卻因義而活。」— [聖經·羅馬書 8章9-10節]
此外,你還要看到另一項真理,就是十架的必要性-向自己死是向上帝活的惟一方法。向自己死的十字架道路,是對人類有益的道德律;也就是藉著釘死老我,上帝復活的大能才能生發,且展現新生命的風貌。 若不順服聖靈引導,讓祂如呼吸般在你心中自由運行,你心中將永存私慾與良善的掙扎,經歷天人交戰的煎熬。總之,上帝是愛的化身,祂樂意祂所造之物滿了祂的祝福與恩典,人心中若沒有上帝愛的靈內住,就無法擁有這一切的福份,也無法對造物主有真實的敬拜。 讚美上帝奇妙的愛,求主賜下謙卑的心,並求祂賜下恩典,讓我們願意擁抱十字架,走十字架的路,向老我死。
—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 8月16日]
『 Love A New Birth From Above 』
Scripture: “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.” — [Romans 8:9-10]
“Your coming calls me to the most delightful subject in the world, to help both you and myself to rejoice in that adorable Deity whose infinite Being is an infinity of mere love, an unbeginning, never-ceasing, and for ever-flowing Ocean of Meekness, Sweetness, Delight, Blessing, Goodness, Patience and Mercy; and all this as so many streams breaking out of the Abyss of the universal Love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a triune Infinity of Love and Goodness, for ever and ever giving forth nothing but the same gifts of Light and Love, of Blessing and Joy, whether before or after the Fall, either of angels or of men.
“Hold it therefore for a certain truth that you can have no good come into your soul, but only by the one way of a birth from above, from the Entrance of the Deity into the properties of your own soulish life. Nature must be set right; its properties must enter into the process of a new birth, it must work to the production of life before the Spirit of Love can have a birth in it. For Love is Delight, and Delight cannot arise in any creature until its nature is in a delightful state, or is possessed of that in which it must rejoice. And this is the reason why God must become man; it is because a birth of the Deity must be found in the soul, giving to nature all that it wants, or the soul can never find itself in a delightful state, and only working with the Spirit of Love.
“And now you also see the absolute necessity of the Gospel doctrine of the cross, viz. of dying to self as the only way to life in God. This Cross, or Dying to self, is the one morality that does man any good. The one work therefore of morality is the one doctrine of the cross, viz., to resist and deny nature, that a supernatural power or Divine goodness may take possession of it and bring a new life into it. Goodness is only a sound, and virtue a mere strife of natural passions, till the Spirit of Love is the breath of everything that lives and moves in the heart. For Love is the one only blessing, and goodness, and God of nature; and you have no true religion, or no worship of the one true God, but in and by that Spirit of Love which is God Himself living and working in you.
Let us bow in deep humility to adore God for this wonderful love, and ask for grace in very deed to yield ourselves to the denial and the death of self.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 16 August 」