💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220609『背負十字架-Bearing The Cross』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「不背著祂的十字架跟從我的,也不配作我的門徒。為我失喪生命的,將要得著生命。」— [聖經·馬太福音 10章38,39b節]


事實上,這段話是耶穌在揀選十二個門徒後,對他們所做的勉勵,要他們背起自己的十字架來跟從主。 然而,當時門徒們對十字架的認知,僅止於罪犯背負沈重的十字架前往刑場的畫面,但耶穌要他們更深刻地去體認,人的本性就是罪惡敗壞,惟有讓它在十字架上被釘死,才能夠得著新生命。耶穌的一生,就是這真理最佳的詮釋,祂從出生來到這世上,就知道自己的命運是要背負全世人的罪孽,然後被釘死在十字架上;所以,祂也要求祂的門徒像祂一樣,將敗壞的老我釘死在十字架上。



—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月9日]

『 Bearing The Cross 』

Scripture: “He that doth not take his cross and follow after Me, is not worthy of Me. He that loseth his life for My sake shall find it.” — [Matthew 10:38,39b]

We have, had some of Paul’s great words to the Galatians about the cross and our being crucified with Christ. Let us now turn to the Master Himself to hear what He has to teach us. We shall find that what Paul could teach openly and fully after the crucifixion, was given by the Master in words that could at first hardly be understood, and yet contained the seed of the full truth.

It was in the ordination charge, when Christ sent forth His disciples, that He first used the expression that the disciple must take up his cross and follow Him.

The only meaning the disciples could attach to these words was from what they had often seen, when an evil-doer who had been sentenced to death by the cross was led out bearing his cross to the place of execution. In bearing the cross, he acknowledged the sentence of death that was on him. And Christ would have His disciples understand that their nature was so evil and corrupt that it was only in losing their natural life that they could find the true life. Of Himself it was true, all His life He bore His cross, the sentence of death that He knew to rest upon Himself on account of our sins. And so He would have His disciple bear his cross, the sentence of death upon himself and his evil, carnal nature.

The disciples could not at once understand all this. But, Christ gave them seed words, which would germinate in their hearts and later on begin to reveal their full meaning. The disciple was not only to carry the sentence of death in himself but to learn that in following the Master to His cross, he would find the power to lose his life and to receive instead of it the life that would come through the cross of Christ.

Christ asks of His disciples that they should forsake all and take up their cross, give up their whole will and life, and follow Him. The call comes to us too to give up the self life with its self-pleasing and self-exaltation, and bear the cross in fellowship with Him, and we shall be made partakers of His victory.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 9 June 」