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💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20220608『釘死老我-The Flesh Crucified』— 慕安德烈 [Andrew Murray]

經文: 「凡屬基督耶穌的人,是已經把肉體,連肉體的邪情私慾,同釘在十字架上了。」— [聖經·加拉太書 5章24節]

保羅曾說:「在我裡頭,就是我肉體之中,沒有良善;因為立志為善由得我,只是行出來由不得我。」(羅馬書 7章18節);又說:「原來體貼肉體的,就是與上帝為仇;因為不服上帝的律法,也是不能服。」(羅馬書 8章7節)。當亞當失去上帝的靈同在之時,他就變成屬肉體的,也就是「老我」抬頭。所謂「老我」,就是由亞當遺傳下來邪惡敗壞的天性。經上記著:「因為知道我們的舊人,和祂同釘十字架,使罪身滅絕,叫我們不再作罪的奴僕。」(羅馬書 6章6節),保羅又進一步地說:「因為已死的人,是脫離了罪。」(羅馬書 6章7節)。



保羅在加拉太書5章16節,說:「當順著聖靈而行,就不放縱肉體的情慾了。」;「因為凡被上帝的靈引導的,都是上帝的兒子。」(羅馬書 8章14節),若我們將「老我」憑信釘在十字架上,並緊緊地依靠耶穌,聖靈自然就會引導我們。


—《 神 的 心 意 》
[每日靈修 6月8日]


『 The Flesh Crucified 』

Scripture: “They that are in Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof.” — [Galatians 5:24]

Of the flesh Paul teaches us (Romans 7:18), “In me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.” And again (Romans 8:7), “The mind of the flesh in enmity aqainst God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be.” When Adam lost the Spirit of God, he became flesh. Flesh is the expression for the evil, corrupt nature that we inherit from Adam. Of this flesh it is written, “Our old man was crucified with Him” (Romans 6:6). And Paul puts it here even more strongly, “They that are in Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh.”

When the disciples heard and obeyed the call of Jesus to follow Him, they honestly meant to do so, but as He later on taught them what that would imply, they were far from being ready to yield immediate obedience. And even so those who are Christ’s and have accepted Him as the Crucified One, little understand what that includes. By that act of surrender they actually have crucified the flesh, and consented to regard it as an accursed thing, nailed to the cross of Christ.

Alas, how many there are who have never for a moment thought of such a thing! It may be that the preaching of Christ crucified has been defective. It may be that the truth of our being crucified with Christ has not been taught. They shrink back from the self-denial that it implies, and as a result, where the flesh is allowed in any measure to have its way, the Spirit of Christ cannot exert His power.

Paul taught the Galations: “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.” “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God.” And the Spirit can alone guide us as the flesh, in living faith and fellowship with Christ Jesus, is kept in the place of crucifixion.

Blessed Lord, how little I understood when I accepted Thee in faith that I crucified once for all the flesh with its passions and lusts! I beseech Thee humbly, teach me so to believe and so to live in Thee, the Crucified One, that with Paul I may ever glory in the cross on which the world and the flesh are crucified.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 8 June 」

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