Scripture: “He shall glorify Me, for He shall take of Mine, and shall declare it unto you.” — (John 16:14)
To understand the work of the Holy Spirit, and truly to experience it, one must try to grasp the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Lord Jesus. Our Lord said definitely, before His departure, that the Spirit would come as a Comforter to the disciples. The Spirit would reveal Him in their hearts in heavenly glory. The disciples were full of the thought. They would not miss their Lord, but have Him with them always. This made them pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit, for they longed to have Jesus with them always. This was the promise of the Master: the Spirit should reveal Him to them.
This is the meaning of our text—”The Spirit shall glorify Me”: even as I am in the glory of heaven, He will make Me known. “He shall take of Mine”—My love, My Joy, My Peace, and all My life—”and reveal it unto you.” Where there is an earnest desire for the glory of Jesus in the heart of the believer, the Holy Spirit will preserve the holy Presence of Jesus in our hearts all the day. We must not weary ourselves with striving after God’s Presence. We must quietly endeavor to abide in fellowship with Christ always, to love Him and keep His commandments, and to do anything, in word and deed, in the Name of Jesus. Then shall we be able to count upon the secret but powerful working of the Spirit within us.
We see again the value of remembering and meditating on the text in Gal. v. 22. If our thoughts are always occupied with the Lord Jesus, His love, His joy, His peace—then the Holy Spirit will graciously bring these fruits to ripeness within us.
The great desire of the Holy Spirit and of the Father is that Christ may be glorified in and through us. Let it be the earnest desire and prayer of our lives too!
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray 「 16 October 」
Last Updated: 2021-10-25 by Gospel
💜《神的心意-God’s Best Secrets》20211016『聖靈來榮耀耶穌-The Spirit Glorifies CHRIST』— 慕安德烈(Andrew Murray)
經文: 「祂要榮耀我,因為祂要將受於我的,告訴你們。」— (聖經·約翰福音 16章14節)
我們再來思想背誦加拉太書中聖靈的果子(加拉太書 五22),所帶來的效果;同理,若我們也常晝夜思想耶穌的愛、平安、喜樂,這些性情也將內化於我心,並且誠於中、形於外,在我們日常言行中表露出來。
—《 神 的 心 意 》
(每日靈修 10月16日)
『 The Spirit Glorifies CHRIST 』
Scripture: “He shall glorify Me, for He shall take of Mine, and shall declare it unto you.” — (John 16:14)
To understand the work of the Holy Spirit, and truly to experience it, one must try to grasp the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Lord Jesus. Our Lord said definitely, before His departure, that the Spirit would come as a Comforter to the disciples. The Spirit would reveal Him in their hearts in heavenly glory. The disciples were full of the thought. They would not miss their Lord, but have Him with them always. This made them pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit, for they longed to have Jesus with them always. This was the promise of the Master: the Spirit should reveal Him to them.
This is the meaning of our text—”The Spirit shall glorify Me”: even as I am in the glory of heaven, He will make Me known. “He shall take of Mine”—My love, My Joy, My Peace, and all My life—”and reveal it unto you.” Where there is an earnest desire for the glory of Jesus in the heart of the believer, the Holy Spirit will preserve the holy Presence of Jesus in our hearts all the day. We must not weary ourselves with striving after God’s Presence. We must quietly endeavor to abide in fellowship with Christ always, to love Him and keep His commandments, and to do anything, in word and deed, in the Name of Jesus. Then shall we be able to count upon the secret but powerful working of the Spirit within us.
We see again the value of remembering and meditating on the text in Gal. v. 22. If our thoughts are always occupied with the Lord Jesus, His love, His joy, His peace—then the Holy Spirit will graciously bring these fruits to ripeness within us.
The great desire of the Holy Spirit and of the Father is that Christ may be glorified in and through us. Let it be the earnest desire and prayer of our lives too!
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 16 October 」
Category: 每日一句話
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