經文: 「耶和華-你的上帝將你心裡和你後裔心裡的污穢除掉,好叫你盡心盡性愛耶和華-你的上帝。」— (聖經·申命記 30章6節錄)
在舊約時代,上帝就已給我們新約的應許「我要潔淨你們,……也要賜給你們一個新心,將新靈放在你們裡面。」(以西結書 卅六25-26) 祂賜下祂的獨生愛子為我們而死,為要贏得我們的愛。喔!我的靈哪!花時間思考這真理,並安靜等候在上帝面前,讓信心越來越堅定,那愛我們也渴望我們愛的上帝是全能的,祂要藉著現在內住的聖靈,將祂神聖的大愛澆灌在我們心裡。
—《 神 的 心 意 》
(每日靈修 9月24日)
『The First and Great Commandment』
Scripture: “The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul.” — (Deuteronomy 30:6)
God greatly desires our love. It is the nature of all love to long to be acceptable, and to meet with response. Yes, God longs with a never-ending, fervent desire to have our love, the love of the whole heart.
But how can I attain such a condition? Just in the same way that I receive salvation—through faith alone. Paul says: “I live through the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me.” When we take time to wait upon God, and remember with what a burning desire God sought to win our love, through the gift of His Son, we shall be able to realize that God has a strong and never-ceasing longing for the love of our heart.
Our hearts are blind and dark, and we are apt to forget that God longs each day for the love of His child. If I once begin to believe it, I shall feel constrained to tarry before God, and ask Him to let His light shine into my heart. Just as the sun is willing to give me its light and heat, if I will receive them, God is a thousand times more willing to give me the light and glow of His love.
In the Old Testament God gave us the promise of the new covenant (Ezek. xxxvi. 25, 26), “I will cleanse you, a new heart will I give you, and put within you a new spirit.” He gave His Son to die for us, in order to win our love. Take time, O my soul, to grasp this, and wait silently upon God, and become strong in the assurance of faith: God, Who longs for my love, is Almighty, and will shed abroad His love in my heart through the Holy Spirit now dwelling within me.
Oh, that we could understand that there is nothing on earth to be compared to this experience! Shall I not take time each day, and give God His desire, and believe with firmer faith? God, Who so greatly longs for my love, will work within me by His Spirit, granting the desire to love Him with my whole heart, and enabling me to prove my love by keeping His commandments.
O Lord, I bow before Thee; fulfil my longing desire, which is also Thy desire, that my heart may be filled with Thy love.
— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 24 September 」