💜《神的心意》20210918 『兩位主席-The two leaders』— 慕安德烈

經文: 「我勸你,第一要為萬人懇求、禱告、代求、祝謝;為君王和一切在位的,也該如此,使我們可以敬虔、端正、平安無事的度日。」— (聖經·提摩太前書 2章1-2節)

在布魯番庭婦女紀念碑揭幕典禮前,我在荷蘭教會有一篇短講,講到有關這些婦女的受苦、禱告,以及得勝的愛,她們切切祈求上帝讓她們不致懷恨,但對仇敵有愛心。我向他們宣導,希望這樣的愛,也能成為我們所擁有的愛,絕不讓任何事攔阻我們追求和平合一的願望。 我說有些人害怕不合,不只是種族與種族之間,也是個人與個人之間,不久前我就聽說兩個黨派的主席之間有嫌隙隔閡。


—《 神 的 心 意 》
(每日靈修 9月18日)


『 The two leaders 』

Scripture: “I exhort, therefore, that first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all men; for kings and all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” — (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

At the time of the unveiling of the Women’s Monument at Bloemfontein, before the procession took place, I spoke a few words in the Dutch Church about the suffering, praying, all-conquering love of these women, who, they say, prayed earnestly that God would keep them from hatred, or want of love towards their enemies. I expressed the hope that this prayerful love might be ours, and that nothing might be done to disturb the feeling of peace and unity. I said that there were some who feared disunion, not only between the two races in the country, but between those who were fellow-countrymen. Not long after, we heard that there had been a breach between the leaders of the two parties.

I felt impelled to write an article on the question: “For whom do you pray ?” Some one answers: “I pray for the man at the head of the Government, and who, under God’s guidance, as General of the burghers in the war, has now become the leader of all South Africa. I pray for him.” And another: “I pray especially for the man who has been serviceable in bringing the interests of his people into the foreground.” But would it not be sad if we came into God’s presence divided into two camps, praying one against the other? No, we must pray for both our leaders, and for all who are in authority. As leaders of the people, their influence, for good or evil, is inexpressible. Their hearts are in God’s hands, and He can turn them whithersoever He wills. Let our prayers ascend to God in all sincerity, and He will hear, and grant that which is good for the whole land. Let us pray: “Lord, the hearts of rulers are in Thy hands; teach them to do Thy will.”

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 18 September 」