💜《神的心意》20210911『愛的力量-The Power of Love』— 慕安德烈

經文: 「然而,靠著愛我們的主,在這一切的事上已經得勝有餘了。」— (聖經·羅馬書 8章37節)

在這動盪不安民族意識高漲的世代,有件極為迫切的事,就是需要對上帝的愛有新的發現和活生生的經驗。讓我們將錨穩穩地紮在這真理上:「上帝就是愛。」(約翰壹書 四16) 上帝就是以這樣的權能大愛,來統轄管理這宇宙萬有。






—《 神 的 心 意 》
(每日靈修 9月11日)

『 The Power of Love 』

Scripture: “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” — (Romans 8:37)

In days of unrest and strong racial feeling, we need above all a new discovery, and living experience, of the love of God. Let us anchor our hope in the thought, “God is Love.” God’s power, by which He rules and guides the world, is the power of an undying, persistent love. He works through the hearts, and spirits, and wills of men and women, wholly yielded to Him and His service; and He waits for them to open their hearts to Him in love, and then, full of courage, to become witnesses for Him.

When this has been achieved, Christ’s kingdom is manifested, and His reign of love on earth begun. Christ died in order to establish this kingdom. The only means He used to gain influence was through the manifestation of a great serving, suffering Love. He saw the possibility of redemption in the hearts of even the worst of men. He knew that men’s hearts could never resist the steady, continuous influence of love; and that unbounded faith in God’s love would be our strength and stay. It was in the fire and the fervor of that love that the disciples were able to expect, and to do, the impossible.

The spirit of hatred and bitterness can never be overcome by argument, or by reproaches. Some think things can never be different, but if we really believe in the omnipotence of God’s love, we may not distrust His power. God’s children must learn to accept His love, not only for themselves individually, but for the life of others. Gradually better feelings will prevail, if believers will yield themselves unreservedly, for God to work through them.

Our faith in Love, as the greatest power in the world, should prepare us for a life in communion with God in prayer, and for a life of unselfish service amongst our fellow-men. Let each Christian examine his life, and pray for grace, as a servant of that all-powerful Love, to live for those around him.

— God’s Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
「 11 September 」